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Airmen update for 15 March 2019

Airmen Update 1.12.15: Footsteps and a First Person Body

Share · View all patches · Build 3648799 · Last edited 15 March 2019 – 10:11:49 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via

Airmen 1.12.15 adds a small feature to help you most enjoy the cool cosmetics you've worked hard to unlock. Your airman's body is now visible in first person. Craning your neck down will reveal up to two legs and a torso.

This change comes with a few movement and control tweaks to prevent model and camera clipping introduced by the first person body. These changes include alterations to the player collision hitbox so make sure you can still fit through all the tight spots on your favorite ships.

Installations also receive a small spawn rework this update. Rather than continuously spawning randomly and moving around the map when despawned, installation locations are now locked until they are defeated. This should make it easier for a fleet on the hunt to track them down and allow skiddish deliverymen to effectively plan a route to avoid the threat.


Major Features

  • Added a visible body in first person.

Minor Features

  • Installations now spawn in a location and will not move to another until defeated.

  • Added footstep noises. Crouching will silence your footsteps.

  • Increased player collision thickness from 0.3 to 0.4 meters.

  • Increased crouch height from 0.75 to 0.9 meters.

  • Added a camera "neck" so looking up or down moves the camera forward or backward.

  • Improved animation parity between 1st and 3rd person so a player's model more accurately reflects their camera location.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed sometimes taking damage from stubbing your toe.

  • Fixed jumping against a wall stopping the jump and making it difficult to jump over railings or scrap boxes when touching them.

  • Fixed harpoons falling out of the barrel when fired.

  • Fixed a fort spawning midair on Anvil.

  • Fixed captains being unable to dismount enemies from their spawn ship's wheel.

Windows 64-bit Airmen Windows Depot 647741
  • Loading history…
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