On March 10th, Streets of Rogue celebrated its second birthday in Early Access, and to celebrate, I have for you…. another batch of bug fixes! :p I also spent a decent chunk of time this update on performance work as well, which will hopefully benefit those of you with low-spec machines -- particularly when there’s a lot of action going on in a crowded level.
Still no release date for 1.0 just yet. I will be keeping you all in the loop on this, believe me I am super eager to report on progress in that area just as soon as I have something solid to tell you. I posted the following as a comment on the previous patch notes:
Step 1: Weed out every remaining console-specific bug. Getting dangerously close to this.
Step 2: Get through certification on all consoles.
Step 3: Announce release date.
Step 4: Rejoice.
This update’s Fortnight Discussion: Things that have changed during Early Access that you don’t like. Go on, let me have ‘em.
Beta 72
- Fix for cases where NPCs could appear to have a normal body and Werewolf head on multiplayer client
- Potential fix for “spawn” particle effects not always appearing
- Potential fix for instances in local coop where an NPC turns completely white
- Fix for NPCs appearing to float in midair after being knocked out on a bed and then punched
UI / Controls
- Duplicates cannot be added to loadout list in Home Base
- Prevention for potential duplicate traits at the end of levels
- Fix for player not returning to the main menu in a “clean” way when pressing Cancel too quickly when starting an online game
- Fix for NPC health bars not always adjusting properly if the NPC’s health changed while invisible or out of view in Rogue Vision mode
- Fix for gamepad button images not appearing in tooltip after player has quit the game and resumed a saved game
- Potential fix for issue where minimap could appear permanently on the screen during 2-player coop mode
- Fix for orange quest markers for client Big Quests appearing on host
Playfield Objects
- Fix for local coop issue where objects might become non-interactable for certain players
- Fix for rare cases where safe combination for a safe would not be in the possession of any NPC
- Fix for items with multiple add-ons losing all but the first add-on when multiplayer client dies and spills the item
- Items spilled by the player when they die in multiplayer modes will not appear to bounce (for performance reasons)
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
- Flesh Feast does not work when attacking Invincible people
- Fix for people remaining hidden in bushes after being inflicted with Giant
- Fix for Investment Banker’s Super Special Ability not always triggering on the final level
- Fix for people having slightly different hitboxes after dying and returning to life
- More consistent timing for drum beat at the end of ending speech
- Fix for certain NPC sounds not playing when they were out of view in Rogue Vision
- Fail-safes for rare cases where missions might not be completeable if an NPC was removed from the game prior to the level finishing loading
- Fix for rare issue where missions were not being removed from the main missions list properly
- Fix for cases where mission could appear to be failed in the home base
- Fix for too many NPCs having markers over their heads in Neutralize All missions on multiplayer client
- Fix for Riot levels starting with an extremely low Electability score
Big Quests
- Fix for cases where Big Quest could not be completed due to the target NPC being hidden in a manhole and would not emerge due to being friendly toward the player
- Werewolf kill counter no longer goes over 5
- Fix for arsonists not always appearing properly when multiplayer client is a Firefighter
- Fix for player always receiving Banana Peel as a quest reward when No Guns or No Melee mutator is active
- Fix for Slavemaster not starting with Taser when No Melee Weapons and No Guns are active
Level Generation
- For user-entered seeds, the game will no longer distinguish between capital and lower-case letters
Artificial Intelligence
- Zombies and other inhumans will not get Annoyed when they see you enslaving someone
- Fix for NPCs sometimes getting hostile toward the player when another NPC who was aligned with the first NPC accidentally hits the player
- NPCs will not become hostile toward the player if the player shoots them with any type of projectile while invisible
- Fix for NPCs running away from inanimate objects that they were commanded to attack if their health is low enough
- Fix for NPCs continuing to hack/lockpick/break into windows after completing their task
- Fix for enslaved NPCs not being submissive to the player if they had injured the player prior to being enslaved
- Fix for enslaved NPCs sometimes not having their full set of context menu commands
- Drug Dealers will not take syringes when fighting inanimate objects
- Fix for cases where multiplayer client could move out of range of NPC they were interacting with, and NPC would still think they were interacting
- Fix for NPCs not pathing around fires caused by destroying certain objects
- Bouncers will no longer allow players with Wanted, Malodorous or Suspicious to pay them for entry
- Fix for cases where NPC could be tranquilized and realize the player did it, but not attack them due to turning the other direction while being tranquilized
- Fix for credits text on main menu not being aligned correctly in Chinese and Korean versions
- Fix for “Control Setup” menu text not being translated
- Fixed a small typo in Slum Dweller English ending text
- Levels load more quickly
- Better performance when lots of NPCs are fighting each other
- Greatly improved performance hitching in Rogue Vision mode
- Fewer hitches when spawning new NPCs
- Fix for scrollbar-related performance drop
- Fix for small performance hitch when NPCs died
- Slightly less of a performance hitch when destroying walls
- Fix for hitches relating to drawing the minimap when ooze expands
- Various other here-and-there performance improvements
- Client will not finish loading levels until host has sent all object data to client
- Various improvements to the amount of data being transferred
- Lots of work on console-specific stuff
Changed files in this update