The game has been updated to fix issues regarding playing co-op on a keyboard or when playing with a controller+keyboard combo. An important note is that "player 1" and "player 2" use different keys on the keyboard regardless of what setup you use. They are as following:
Player 1
- Move - WASD
- Jump - Space
- Use - E
- Call Companion - F
Player 2
- Move - Arrow keys
- Jump - L
- Use - K
- Call Companion - J
When playing single player, the controls for Player 1 is used, with the addition of using Q to change character.
If the game does not update for you, you can restart Steam to force it.
Update March 14
To be clear - you can now play the game coop using the following setups:
- both players on the same keyboard
- one player on the keyboard, one player using a controller
- both players using a controller each
If you own a controller that does not work with the game, please let us know.
Changed files in this update