Hey everyone!
Update 27 is live, adding independent settings for the length of day and night, a setting for saturation, a way to individually reset every setting to the default value, a great new texture for light processed wood and many important fixes!
As usual, here is a very quick overview of the things changed in this update, with more details below:
- Added settings for length of day and night
- Added setting for saturation (especially useful on WMR headsets)
- Added reset button next to every setting in the settings. It allows you to individually reset every setting to its default value.
- Added new texture for light processed wood
- Fixed sledgehammer not causing damage on wallstone
- Made sledgehammer also cause damage on all types of wood. It makes sense that a hammer can't only be used to destroy stone, but also wood!
- Fixed texture of blue and green flowers. The texture for them was broken, resulting in them having the same texture like regular grass.
- Made picture frame brighter in torch light
- Further reduced SSAO by 35% on "Off" and "Low" bloom
- Fixed rain sounds. The rain sound was broken since Update 26.
- Fixed cloud movement speed being significantly too fast
- Fixed text box in inventory always saying "Processed Wood (Light)", even while being in settings
- Fixed block movement breaking after mesh object placement mode has been selected (like chest)
- Fixed evil bug that caused game to crash when loading any world with a sledgehammer existing anywhere in the world (e.g. on a wall mount)
- Fixed potential crash
Day/Night length settings
By default, day in the game is roughly 5 times longer than night. This is a good default, but you might prefer a different distribution for this, so now you can have that! You can make day and night both very long, both very short, or make one very short and the other one long or any other combination.
So these settings don't just allow you to change the relative distrubution of day/night, but also wjat is the full length of the day/night cycle.
Reset button next to all settings
There previously was no way to know what the default of a setting was after you changed it, now there is! This was added now because it would likely have been very hard otherwise to get back to the exact defaults for the day/night length settings.
Saturation setting
This is a very simple setting that allows you to modify the saturation of the game - either you want to modify this due to personal preference, or you might want to make the game in LCD VR headsets look more similar to naturally more saturated headsets with OLED displays. I think I've read multiple times that WMR users like to have saturation settings, and it definitely doesn't hurt to have a setting for this!
New texture for light processed wood
As shown in the screenshot on the very top of this announcement, there is a new texture for light processed wood! I couldn't stand the old texture any more, it was too ugly and totally not 8K. New one looks much better and so much more high res! You'll now bump your nose against the wall before seeing any pixels of that texture. That's how textures should be!
As usual, thanks very much to our great beta testers in the official cyubeVR discord who tested this update as part of 7 separate beta builds! If you also want to test new features earlier when they come out in the beta branch, make sure to join the discord and take a look at the #beta-build-patch-notes and #beta-build-discussion channel!
That's all for today! If you like the game, don't forget to tell other people about it and write a review on Steam if you haven't done that already, even if its just a few words. Writing a review and spreading the word is the easiest way you can support the game!
Thanks for caring about the game and as usual, make sure to report all issues you see and give me as much feedback as possible in the official forums or the official discord server, join it before its full ;) We're more than 400 people strong there already, come and join us! If you don't like something about the game, tell me there and I'll try to improve it! I'm available to chat with anyone in discord.
Also, don't forget there's an [official roadmap with voting features](www.roadmap.cyubevr.com)!
Looking forward to hearing what you think about the new update :)
Changed files in this update