Hey guys!
We would like to warn you that next week there will be no update due to local holiday, devs also deserve some rest from time to time =D
Finally we added quest markers, both above the NPC's head and on the region icon on the World Map. An exclamation indicates that quests are available and a question mark indicates the purpose of a mission in progress, so now it will be much easier to know where to go.
0.12 Changelog
- Quest markers
- Sleeping in a bed now regenerates your life and, at night, spends time 100x faster until 6am.
- Removed the collision of forests and stones on the world map.
- Changed the oranges from the Proof of Trust quest into quest item.
- Changed the orange seeds from the Secrets of the Soil quest into quest item.
- Decreased the time stamina waits to recharge after being spent from 1.5s to 0.7s.
Changed files in this update