Dear All,
After a lot of blood, swear(ing) and tears, I’m happy to announce that the new version is finally live on Steam!
I named it 2.0.0 because I felt that the speed boost the game received sort of elevated it to new heights (from a molehill to a termite castle :)
So, speaking of speed boost - by far the most important “feature” of this build is that the Load Game/Save Game time were reduced to mere seconds as opposed to about 40 seconds and more in year 3 onwards in the previous versions!
Aside from this key improvement, several bugs were squashed, quite a few tweaks and polish were applied.
Let me list the major changes, I’ll leave the rest to you to discover :)
Remember, some of these changes only come into effect when you start a new game!
Load Game / Save Game time have been reduced dramatically
The time of the turn where the Box Office Gross is calculated and hence the access time of the Box Office Chart have been reduced epically (this was a nuisance after 1-1.5 years into the game)
The bug where A-lister and Notable actors did not join your agency despite accepting the contract has been fixed
When you win or lose a Chat, that option will be immediately deactivated, not only in the next turn (so you can no longer nag the actor and code until you get what you want)
Mutual termination event was added – if an actor is “Depressed” there is a chance from time to time that he/she will request mutual termination (which you can accept or decline)
“Victory event” added – you win the game upon unlocking “Major” reputation (but you can play on in “Endless Mode” nonetheless). Aside from giving all of us a sense of achievement, I wanted such an event for the prospective Steam Achievements.
Several “award events” were added – I made quite a few award events to fill the void their absence caused. It’s not the epic/complex awards system I envisioned/designed but I have to bow to reality (see my separate post about the future of the game).
Morale fix and tweak – less depressed actors, more shiny, happy people. I hope I did not make it too easy now...)
Actors only had one birthplace per nationality - fixed
Changed files in this update