After a long testing period and bug fixing, the new update is finally ready, I will do a recap of the features for this update and talk a little more about what is coming in the next update.
Store Expansions
Now you are able to unlock new areas on your shops! You can expand your shop by reaching the required reputation level and paying an expansion fee. The Second and Third shop have this option available, so you can start placing tables and decorations on the sidewalk or over a nice deck next to the lake. New stores will also feature expansions and will be created with this feature in mind to offer interesting options and multiple expansions.
New Items
This effort would not be complete without having new cool things to buy and customize your shop, so the new update adds 20 new objects, including tables, firepits, plants, and even some big shared tables so people can chill on your store while working on their homework. All thanks to the amazing work of Gaby which has been helping me creating new models for the game.
New customer behaviors
Large tables can now be shared between customers that don't belong to the same group. These tables are commonly used for working and it adds a nice option to your shop as you will start seeing more customers drinking coffee at your shop. Drinking time for customers has also been increased so they will stay longer.
The new placement system allows you to get customers stuck, but they are now smart enough to stop and let you know that the path is blocked so you can let them move around.
Better placement and more options
There are some common coffee shop layouts that were not possible due to the old grid system, for example, placing tables against the wall.
The new grid system gives you the flexibility to achieve this and more. Placing tables was also a little restrictive as you had a big area around your table that needed to stay clear of any other object, now tables only use the occupied slots and you can even place tables together without any restriction. Individual tables that are next to another will not become a merged larger table, but customers will still use them as each portion was an individual table.
Every small table now supports 4 chair slots, one on each side. Larger shared tables can support up to 8 customers at the same time.
Coming next
Next update will be delivered way faster as I'm just planning on updating the Store UI. The number of items has increased quite a lot since I made that screen, and sometimes it is hard to find what you are looking for. The update will add groups and persistent state so you can browse between different categories like "Chairs", "Tables", "Decorations", "Seasonal" and go back to the same search after placing the item.
I will also keep working on the AI for rival stores and I will start planning the new content update which will include a new store location and new items.
Thanks for all the support and your great feedback that has helped evolve the game into its current state. I know there are many more exciting things to come for Coffee Shop Tycoon and I will keep working to bring you these experiences. Don't forget to post any bugs you encounter and remember, enjoy your coffee.
Changed files in this update