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Don't Stand Out update for 24 January 2019

Patchnote 0.82

Share · View all patches · Build 3498835 · Last edited 15 March 2019 – 17:26:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello friends!

Finally, the big Russian holidays are over and we are pleased to present you with a fresh list of fixes, on which we began work back in 2018.

    1. Fixed incorrect display of the 10 position in the top of the best players
    1. Fixed problem with incorrect loading avatar with Steam profile
    1. Fixed an issue that prevented a coin from falling out of a killed character.
    1. Fixed a problem with sound in the main menu, which did not work until you change the sound volume value in the settings
    1. Fixed an issue that prevented missiles from crashing when colliding with objects
    1. Fixed an issue that prevented the body of a dead character from being destroyed
    1. Fixed incorrect display of explosions and traces of bullets at a certain distance from the shore in the water
    1. Fixed a problem due to which the sound of taking damage from a dead character was played.
    1. Fixed problem with incorrect operation of game settings.
    1. Fixed a bug leading to incorrect saving of game settings.
    1. Fixed a problem due to which the game did not start, associated with the player leaving the room during the loading level
    1. Fixed a bug that occurs when a player exits after completing a vote for the game mode, leading to the start of the game for 1 player
    1. Camera movements are now smoother.
    1. In the case of the release of a new version of the application, a window has been added to announce the need to upgrade to the current version
Windows 64-bit Don't Stand Out Content Depot 811241
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