Important changes in version compared to version
Bug Fixes in this update:
- Crash that can happen when OpenColorIO library is not installed properly is now prevented
- Incorrect values in metadata for HDR renders has been corrected
- Improved handling of hardware dependent video plugins when GPU does not initialize properly
- Likelihood of crash when resizing thumbnails in Project Media window has been reduced
- Improved performance of thumbnail drawing within the project media window
- Problem with some valid video plugins not appearing in the plugin chooser has been resolved
- Crash when launching on a 2 GPU system when with one GPU disabled has been fixed
- Smoothing parameter is now available in the basic mode of the Video Stabilization plugin
- Crash when updating a grouped track that is not visible has been fixed
- Crash when reading certain MP4 files is now prevented
- Disabled some JDR project properties for non-HDR projects
- Disabled HDR preview preference for 8 bit projects
- Crash that may occur if the timeline ruler and speed controls are not visible as been resolved
- Crash they may occur when beginning a render of building peaks or other similar tasks has been resolved
Changed files in this update