- Added /puke @name lobby emote.
- Added /carebear @name lobby emote.
- Melee and Armor now show stats in loot window.
- Meele and Armor now show compared stats in loot window if you have something equipped.
- Change some settings for the dynamic rules to make matches more intense and a bit quicker.
- Mounts now slow down a bit quicker regardless of stats.
- Renamed “Doors” to “Breakable Doors”
- Renamed “Fortress Chest” to “Lockpickable Chest”
- Increased the damage on the Worn Shortsword.
- If you kill the rider of a mount you can now tame that mount.
- Dead players will now see chat from the living.
- Improved the map with more mountain passages to prevent players from getting trapped by the storm.
- Lowered devotion level for /thunder @name from 15 to 10
- Removed some unnecessary loot from wheelbarrows.
- Fixed embarrassing typos in the help menu.
- Fixed a couple of issues with the buttons in the help menu.
Changed files in this update