Hello all! It has now been just over a month since release and I am here with the next update.
I have been spending a lot of time digging deep and finding where I can improve performance before setting my sights on further updates in the future.
Version 1.0.3 continues my quest to root out issues with memory management and bringing more stability to the game.
Campaign map
Quests will auto-complete if hometown is owned by the player.
Quick save added to campaign map F5.
Quick load added to campaign map F9.
More code optimization and cleanup.
Hero army cost reduction now correctly working in armies involved in castle sieges.
Amount of scouts sent from AI towns reduced.
Mouse screen edge scroll now working as intended.
Further material memory optimization.
Towns no longer generate faction flags. Town faction is displayed on the sprite and is no longer needed.
Helper text adjusted for Attack and defense.
Closing events panel now resets game speed to the previous setting.
You can now close all full-screen panels with the Esc key.
Stability increase, inputs disabled during saving/loading/scene transition.
Battle scene
Right ALT now toggles first person view.
Scripting optimization.
Further material memory optimization.
Stability increase, inputs disabled during the scene transition.
Changed files in this update