Hey everyone,
Last week update saw the addition of the much requested gameplay speed feature, ten more horde missions in the Terminator campaign, and several improvements to the AI. We were pleased to see your good reaction and feedback, many thanks to all of you.
Our support for the game continues and today we're really happy to launch an update that addresses some ongoing issues with Space Hulk: Tactics. Please read below for the changelog.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed mouse cursor being visible when using a gamepad
- Fixed not downloaded maps causing freezes in the session browser
- Fixed roster not being synchronized when inviting a friend in a private session
- Fixed not loading gameplay speed correctly when loading a save from main menu
- Fixed Terminators facing an incorrect orientation upon waking up
- Fixed cinematics playing on the wrong character (e.g. playing "reveal" cinematic of the 2nd genestealer on the 1st Genestealer; who is standing still)
- Fixed interrupted move & shoot animations during AI turns causing AI to visually slide on the floor
- Fixed Miasmic Biomorph so that it ragdolls when dying instead of awkwardly switching to death pose
- Interactive object cell triggers can now have more than 1 orientation (can open door while not facing them, but being 90° from them)
- Change victory ratio on unplayed maps => 50/50 by default
- Following player reports we were able to fix more than ten crashes related to AI and other things, improving greatly the game’s stability.
Thanks in advance for any additional feedback you could provide us following these changes,
The Space Hulk: Tactics team
Changed files in this update