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The Oni Sellsword update for 20 September 2018

Patch notes and news!

Share · View all patches · Build 3139752 · Last edited 15 March 2019 – 17:12:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey everyone!

The Oni Sellsword has had over 7000 downloads as of this writing! I want to thank everyone for giving my game a try, especially if you completed it! While the reception has been quite positive, I still wanted to implement some improvements! Don't worry, I won't bombard you with constant patches. This should be the only one, unless I discover some horrible bugs or get a big wave of feedback.

Anyway, here is a summary of the changes and fixes:

  • Changed resolution to 1600x900. This means the game will fullscreen properly on 16:9 monitors (Press F4 to toggle this. Careful not to press F5 as that will reset the game!)
  • Sped up the "power-up" animation used by most skills.
  • Xavienne can no longer counter a counter-attack.
  • Updated descriptions of a few skills to fully explain their effects.
  • Updated all weapons/armor/accessories to list their stat bonuses in their descriptions.
  • Removed mention of "Dash" from keyboard and gamepad control options.
  • Created a fix for an edge case soft-lock at the Jigoku portal. As far as I know, no player has ever encountered this. But better safe than sorry!
  • Fixed some minor typo's.

There's also a few balance changes:

  • Merged the effects of Offhand Surprise into Shield Breaker (which is now called Break).
  • Gave Offhand Surprise a new function of reducing enemy Attack.
  • Riposte now gives Xavienne a heal when used.
  • Oni Mage boss is less spammy and has a more consistent pattern.
  • Opportunist's damage and debuff reworked on his Target for Elimination skill: he's a little less threatening to low armor, and more threatening to high armor. It used to increase crit chance against the target, now it reduces defense.

The introduction of this patch may reset your key bindings if you changed them. But you should be able to rebind them again with no further problems.

The next piece of news is about the Mac OS version of the game. Unfortunately, this has proven much more troublesome (and expensive) than I previously thought it would be. I will revisit this again sometime before the next game comes out. Speaking of which…

My next game is already in the stages of pre-production! It'll be bigger and better! I'm shooting for around a 10 hour game with much more custom art and combat mechanics. Because of that it won't be free, but it will be cheap! So if you like The Oni Sellsword, hopefully you'll like that one, too. Stay tuned! And thanks again!

Windows The Oni Sellsword Depot 889741
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