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Unbound Playground update for 31 August 2018

Unbound v0.3.0 - New Tools and Toys

Share · View all patches · Build 3079539 · Last edited 15 March 2019 – 18:26:50 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Thank you for your patience everyone!

We've dug in over the last few months to take our engine to next level, ironed out bugs and prepared the way for building out new tools, toys and features. Check them out below:

Lines Tool

The Lines tool is the beginning of our plan to create tools for constructing things, in addition to free form sculpting.This first feature allows you to make things like bicycle frames, welded cages and other grid aligned structures.

The snapping mode makes it easy to connect parts without having to hold your hand really still, making it really fun to build things.

Matter Gun

What's realtime 3D software without the ability to shoot things? Not fun. But that doesn't mean it has to be violent. The Matter Gun lets you shoot holes as well as material balls into models, feature three modes including spray.


Who doesn't need an incredibly easy way to make tentacles? This toy solves all your problems. We think that making custom tools like this is super fun and helps us play with our future plans on letting the community build their own tools. Stay tuned during Early Access for this feature!

Improved Sculpt

The Sculpt can now be configured to do a few things we've been missing for quite some time. Material depletion lets you set a certain length of your stroke.

Unbound also works great when modeling with individual shapes and the new Single Edit mode assists with precision. Motion Smoothing can be set to a desired level and helps with making smooth curves when working free hand.


We've added two now environments. We hope you enjoy them.


Making 3D models in all sorts of new ways is at our very core and why we are building Unbound. The tech under the hood of Unbound makes this easy like never before. With the new avatar system, we release our very first feature using this tech, letting you explore virtually infinite variations. And like everything in Unbound, always re-mixable and changeable.

New Features

  • New Tool: Lines allows you to construct things from pipes, snapping them or aligned to grid.
  • New Tool: Tentacle lets you draw fun tentacles with a simple stroke.
  • New Tool: Matter Gun featuring three modes, shoot holes or paint balls onto any object.
  • Improved Tool: Sculpt has an ergonomically redesigned model and shape position.
  • Improved Tool: Sculpt now features material depletion, motion smoothing and single edit placement.
  • New Avatar System - Generate infinite cute creatures and customize them for multiplayer.
  • New Environment: Studio.
  • New Environment: Panopticon.


  • Move with laser: secondary controller now can move objects from distance.
  • Brush Scaling: changed from proximity to "point at" in order to remove ambiguities.
  • Lighting System: reworked shading and boosted dynamic vibrance.
  • Lighting System: fixed and tuned lighting in Simple Black environment.
  • Multiplayer: Voice audio is now spatial, meaning you can hear your friends from where you see them.
  • Multiplayer: improved netcode and reduced desync.
  • Multiplayer: Object ownership now doesn't allow you to delete your friends models until they disconnect.
  • Fixed Windows Mixed Reality visual artifacts in certain environments.
  • Fixed input issues with Oculus Touch and Window Mixed Reality.
  • New object creation: moved to the big menu, since it was very hidden before.
  • Advanced Supersampling handling improved.

Your feedback:

We have a support site up now at:
Your feedback, bug reports and anything you might wanna let us know is much appreciated.


Twitter:@unbound_io @rianflo @abductee_org

Windows 64-bit Unbound Alpha Content Depot 502341
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