Hello everyone,
A patch has been released for the game which has fixed numerous issues, as well as quality of life enhancements. A full list of fixes can be seen below;
- Visual Novel segments now run at a faster speed
- Fixes to the New Nor level, where a key was sometimes appearing as bugged
- Fixed a minor visual issue where the Music & Sound levels under options would sometimes show decimals
- Fixes to the Altum Ruins & Altar levels, which had a bug preventing progress for some users
- Fixes to the Gallery mode, which was disabled for some users, even with the patch
- AI Tweaks to some mobs, including the Fire Snake & Fire Warriors, and Pathfinding has been slightly tweaked for some mobs
- Fixed the "Yes" and "No" button coordinate issues from the in-game pause menu on full screen
- Fixes to the Delete Button on the Save & Load screen, which at times was causing bugs
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the footstep sfx to loop infinitely when loading games
- Added more clear pitch differentiation between footsteps
- Increased the range at which tiles enter the minimap (3 tiles wide radius now)
- Fixed various single block textures missing on some levels
- Fixed an issue with an "invisible wall" spawning where iron grates should be on some levels
- Slightly tweaked certain damage values for further balancing
- Minimap button no longer needs to be held down anymore, replaced with a single tap toggle and added a slight transparency
If there are any questions/concerns/bug reports just let us know!
We also have a discord server here; https://discord.gg/yy7javF
Changed files in this update