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Progetto Ustica update for 6 September 2018


Share · View all patches · Build 2975443 · Last edited 15 March 2019 – 17:47:59 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear everyone, thank you for waiting, we are finally here.
PROGETTO USTICA is now on Steam, you can download it and play it for free.
You'll need only 20 minutes.

We did PROGETTO USTICA to preserve the memory. The memory of what happened that night, Jjune 27, 1980, when a missile destroyed the airplane DC9, flight IH-870, in the italian skies on the island of Ustica, Sicily.
81 people died.

We did PROGETTO USTICA with the support of Associazione Parenti delle Vittime della Strage di Ustica. They asked us not to put the real faces, the real bodies, of their dead relatives in the game. So you will find them as undefined people.

But today we want to remember all of them.

The crew:
Domenico Gatti, 44, 1st commander;
Enzo Fontana, 32, 2nd pilot;
Paolo Morici, 39, stewart;
Rosa De Dominicis, 21, hostess;

The passengers:
Andres Cinzia, 25;
Andres Luigi, 33;
Baiamonte Francesco, 55;
Bonati Paola, 16;
Bonfietti Alberto, 37;
Bosco Alberto, 41;
Calderone M. Vincenza, 58;
Cammarata Giuseppe, 19;
Campanini Arnaldo, 45;
Candia Antonio, 32;
Cappellini M. Antonietta, 57;
Cerami Giovanni, 34;
Croce Maria Grazia, 7;
D'Alfonso Francesca;
D'Alfonso Salvatore, 39;
D'Alfonso Sebastiano, 4;
Davì Michele, 45;
De Cicco C. Giuseppe, 28;
De Lisi Elvira, 37;
Di Natale Francesco, 2;
Diodato Antonella, 7;
Diodato Giuseppe, 1;
Diodato Vincenzo, di 10;
Filippi Giacomo, 47;
Fontana Vito;
Fullone Carmela, 17;
Fullone Rosario, 49;
Gallo Vito, 25;
Greco Antonino, 23;
Gruber Marta, di anni 55;
Guarano Andrea, 38;
Guardì Vincenzo, 26;
Gherardi Guelfo, 59;
Guerino Giacomo, 9;
Guerra Graziella, 27;
Guzzo Rita, 30;
La China Giuseppe, 58;
La Rocca Gaetano, 39;
Licata Paolo, 71;
Liotta Maria Rosaria, 24;
Lupo Francesca, 17;
Lupo Giovanna, 32;
Manitta Giuseppe, 54;
Marchese Claudio, 23;
Marfisi Daniela, 10;
Marfisi Tiziana, 5;
Mazzel Rita Giovanna, di anni 37; Mazzel Erta Dora Erica, 48;
Mignani Maria Assunta, 30;
Molteni Annino, 59;
Norrito Guglielmo, 37;
Ongari Lorenzo, 23;
Papi Paola, 39;
Parisi Alessandra, 5;
Parrinello Carlo, 43;
Parrinello Francesca, 49;
Pellicciani A. Paola , 44;
Pinocchio Antonella, 23;
Pinocchio Giovanni, 13;
Prestileo Gaetano, 36;
Reina Andrea, 34;
Reina Giulia, 51;
Ronchini Costanzo, 34;
Siracusa Marianna, 61;
Speciale Maria Elena, 55;
Superchi Giuliana, 11;
Torres Pierantonio, 33;
Tripiciano G. M. Concetta, 45; Ugolini Pier Paolo, 33;
Valentini Daniela, 29;
Valenza Giuseppe, 33;
Venturi Massimo, 31;
Volanti Marco, 36;
Volpe Maria, 48;
Zanetti Alessandro, 8;
Zanetti Emanuele, 31;
Zanetti Nicola, 6.

May the sky be sweet for all of you.

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