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Zavix Tower update for 12 June 2018

1.41.b: Bug fixes

Share · View all patches · Build 2856289 · Last edited 15 March 2019 – 18:38:22 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey Everyone,

I got some time set aside to work on some of the bugs, and I fixed 3 of them in this patch.

  • The Jeweled chests should no longer end up empty. That being said it was a savefile bug, so if you currently have a saved floor then that specific floor's jeweled chest may still be bugged... However this bug should not happen after generating a new floor. If this bug persists please let me know and I will continue working on it.

  • running talented abilities, after specing for them in battle, should no longer cause a crash.

  • Counter spell will no longer bug out the game when cast on a preping mob...

I am still here, and still trying to work on the game when I can... That being said it seems that using the gameplay thread is the best way to get my attention (seems to have 100% notification rate, where as the other threads seem to be hit or miss).

I will continue to do what I can, when I can for this game, and this community.

Zavix Tower Content Depot 427911
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