Hello Heroes!
I want to thank everyone who has played so far. Opening weekend has been a whirl of excitement, stress, and gratitude. Thank you also for your forbearance as I deal with some of the unsuspecting bugs that crept up this weekend. The focus moving forward will be on bugfixing, some slight skill tree balancing, and then content.
Version 1.1.27 has a new "logging mode" to run the game and log any crashes that occur.
Version 1.1.27 addresses several bugs:
- |player| placeholders when players die in lava, etc should no longer appear
- Target dummies should no longer drop money when ransacked
- (Probably) fix an issue where the entire screen turns red when you encounter some elites
- Fix a crash with German localization
- Correct duration of Envenom when other players are on the same map as you
- Add a /kill command to kill your character (in the event that you get stuck somewhere)
- Heal no longer heals dead characters
- Reduce spawn rate of bosses
- Prevent all freezing with Hot Tea
- Start the player at the beach when completing the game, to not miss the prestige system.
- Mystery gems no longer crash the players when trying to upgrade
I warmly welcome your suggestions as well. Please email andrew@alcuria.net or join us on discord. Till next time!
Changed files in this update