Attrib_NotMarketable: This item cannot be listed on the Steam Community Market.
Attrib_GiftableAfterDate: This item can be Gift Wrapped after %s1
Attrib_Giftable: This item may be gifted once
item: Item
Attrib_Store_TradableAfterDate: Becomes Tradable After a Few Days
Attrib_Store_Purchased: Will Not Be Tradable or Usable in Crafting
Attrib_CannotCraft: Not Usable in Crafting
Attrib_SpecialItem: Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting
Attrib_AchievementItem: Achievement Item: Not Tradable
Attrib_LimitedUse: This is a limited use item.\nUses: %s1
Attrib_InUse: Currently In Use
Attrib_CannotTrade: Not Tradable
Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraftOrDelete: Not Tradable, Deletable, or Usable in Crafting
Attrib_CannotTradeOrCraft: Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting
Attrib_CannotTradeOrDelete: Not Tradable or Deletable
Attrib_CannotCraftOrDelete: Not Craftable or Deletable
Attrib_CannotDelete: Not Deletable
Attrib_EventDate: Date Received: %s1
Attrib_GifterAccountID: Gift From: %s1
Attrib_Unlimited: Unlimited Use
Attrib_TournamentEventDate: Date: %s1
StoreCheckout_NoItems: Your shopping cart is empty!
StoreCheckout_TooManyItems: You have too many items in your shopping cart!
StoreCheckout_Loading: Checking out...
StoreCheckout_Unavailable: Checkout unavailable at this time.
StoreCheckout_Canceling: Canceling...
StoreUpdate_Loading: Loading the Store...
StoreUpdate_NoGCResponse: The Store is currently closed.
StoreUpdate_NewPriceSheetLoaded: The product list has been updated to the latest version.
StoreUpdate_ContactSupport: Please contact customer support to have your Steam wallet configured.
StoreUpdate_OverlayRequired: You must enable the Steam Community in-game and restart the game to use the Store.
StoreUpdate_SteamRequired: A connection to Steam is required to use the Store.
StoreCheckout_Fail: The In-game Store is currently closed.
StoreCheckout_InvalidParam: A programmer messed up! An invalid parameter was passed to the game coordinator. Try the purchase again.
StoreCheckout_InternalError: There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.
StoreCheckout_ContactSupport: There was an error with your transaction. Please contact support for assistance.
StoreCheckout_NotApproved: The game coordinator was unable to approve your transaction with Steam. Please try the purchase again later.
StoreCheckout_NotLoggedin: You must be logged in to Steam in order to complete a purchase.
StoreCheckout_WrongCurrency: This transaction's currency doesn't match your wallet currency.
Extra notes