Thanks to the excellent work of the OW Support Team, we are pleased to announce a new update for both Original War and the dedicated server. Check out the change log below to learn about new fixes and improvements:
Fixed: Fixed bug with Issue #464
Added: Expand Weapons (Issue #481)
Fixed: Access Violation at 00620E5E in OwarOGL ( (Issue #480)
Added: AddToLog for Editor (Issue #476)
Fixed: Access Violation at 005E003B in OwarOGL ( (Issue #472)
Fixed: Division by zero EAddress: 0061BA56 ( (Issue #473)
Fixed: Access Violation at 00625D61 in OwarOGL ( (Issue #479)
Improved: Modify CreateHuman so that invalid nation or sex for that class is automatically fixed (Issue #474)
Improved: Modify OW to send the 4 Settings in multiplayer while in the Game Room (Issue #478)
Fixed: Access Violation at 0059B435 in OwarOGL ( (Issue #467)
Added: Add Ability to use GMZ Extra Data for Muzzle Flashes (Issue #462)
Added: Make OW Read all OWPs in mod directory (Issue #464)
Added: Add Error Address to Index Out Of Bounds Errors (Issue #465)
Added: Add Custom Lasers (Issue #466)
Changed files in this update