Hi all,
It's time for another update. This one was mainly focused on Multiplayer (1.3) which brings improvements to multiplayer sessions, along with few bug fixes and, of course, another Multiplayer exclusive! This time it's R34 Skyline!
I'm sure majority of you are familiar with such beauty! It's rear wheel drive, has enough of power and has one unique body coat. Enjoy!
Aside from that, Multiplayer (and main menu) UI were improved. You can now also see other players name's and unique ID's above their vehicles. I've also added new building (parking garage) near the spawn (on the left), where people could drift around and what not. As well as some stunt bridges for people to have more fun. Other than that, as I mentioned, I fixed a few bugs that were with multiplayer. I still have more ideas for multiplayer and game in general, so keep posted for another update.
Discuss & report issues on MP here:
Thanks a lot!! Enjoy!
Changed files in this update