All Concers,
Today marks the final update for ConcPerfect 2017. All christmas themed assets have been removed, but otherwise it's the same as the version that came out on the 20th.
I'd like to thank any of you who tried our game. This was a first for all of us, and we're all really proud of how it turned out. We couldn't be happier with the support we received during development and after the release!
I'd also like to thank all the members of the CP2k17 dev team: Gerald for making the banging techno beats, the concman & conc model, and for providing the unique sense of humor and style that makes CP2k17 special; Pete for being by CP2k17's side while it was on the brink of death, pumping it full of life by turning out tons and tons of content and rejuvenating everyone else's morale when we were just about to quit -- you literally saved CP2k17's life on several accounts!; and Wesley for figuring out all the hard code that I'm nowhere near smart enough to figure out -- you are the reason multiplayer was possible!
And lastly, thanks to all concers new and old. I hope we brought a little bite of joy (and frustration) into your lives.
Keep on concin`,
Changed files in this update