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Goliath update for 5 February 2018

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Share · View all patches · Build 2319336 · Last edited 15 March 2019 – 18:47:53 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We have moved the newer version of Goliath to the default branch in Steam. If you would like to continue with your old save file, you can install the older version of Goliath using the updated steps below:

To switch to the original version to use older save files:

  1. Start Steam.
  2. Find Goliath in your game library on the left.
  3. Right click Goliath and select Properties.
  4. In the Goliath - Properties window, click the tab labeled BETAS.
  5. Click the dropdown box under “Select the beta you would like to opt into:”.
  6. Click “Goliath Version 1”.
  7. Click Close.
  8. Steam will update Goliath.

To switch back to Version 2:

  1. Start Steam.
  2. Find Goliath in your game library on the left.
  3. Right click Goliath and select Properties.
  4. In the Goliath - Properties window, click the tab labeled BETAS.
  5. Click the dropdown box under “Select the beta you would like to opt into:”.
  6. Click “NONE - Opt out of all beta programs”.
  7. Click Close.
  8. Steam will update Goliath.

Original Goliath Version 2 Notes:

Improved optimization
Story narration elements added
Wider Goliath description
Chinese language support
Fixes, fixes, and more fixes

The Chinese language support is only available in the new version of Goliath. Goliath will run in the language that is set in Steam or in the Goliath Properties window in Steam. If Chinese is selected and the old version of Goliath is installed, it will run in English instead.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to a change in the save file format, save files will not be able to transfer between the old version and the new version. However, the game uses two different save locations and will not overwrite your save files from the other version. If you switch between the versions, the last save file you made for the currently running version will be used. For this reason, we have placed it on a separate branch in Steam so it does not automatically reset your save game.

Windows Goliath Content Depot 363521
  • Loading history…
Windows Russian Goliath (Russian) Depot 363522
  • Loading history…
Windows German Goliath (German) Depot 363523
  • Loading history…
Windows Simplified Chinese Goliath (Chinese) Depot 363524
  • Loading history…
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