Turbo: Buy anywhere replaced by streamlined couriers: lightning fast, invulnerable, and automated.
UI: As previously announced after the introduction of Panorama, we have completed deprecating Scaleform and it will no longer be available in Dota. The scaleform platform itself has been officially deprecated, and supporting only one UI framework will be an improvement to overall game stability and memory usage.
The following changelog has been automatically generated from GameTracking data.
Updated localization files for English
English Localization
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_razor_unstable_current_Lore: Attacking the Lightning Revenant is rewarded with shock therapy. › Merely approaching the Lightning Revenant is rewarded with shock therapy.
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_dazzle_poison_touch_Description: Releases a cone of poisonous magic that strikes multiple enemy units. Deals damage over time and slows the targets. Anytime the targets get attacked, the debuff duration is refreshed › Releases a cone of poisonous magic that strikes multiple enemy units. Deals damage over time and slows the targets. Anytime the targets get attacked, the debuff duration is refreshed.
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_special_bonus_unique_monkey_king_6: +1 Wukong Command Ring › +1 Wukong's Command Ring
DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_bane_nightmare_Description: Asleep! Taking 20 damage every second. Nightmare transfers to any unit that attacks you. › Asleep! Nightmare transfers to any unit that attacks you, except for Bane.
DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dazzle_poison_touch_Description: Taking periodic damage › Taking damage over time with movespeed modified by %-dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%.
DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_dark_seer_wall_of_replica_Description: Wall of Replica illusion. › Wall of Replica Illusion.
DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_broodmother_spin_web_Description: Increasing health regen by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% and movement speed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%. › Increasing health regen by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_HEALTH_REGEN_CONSTANT% and movement speed by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%%.
game_mode_23_desc: A shorter version of All Pick, with increased gold & XP, weaker towers and the ability to buy anywhere. › A shorter version of All Pick, with increased gold & XP, weaker towers and streamlined couriers.
game_mode_23_desc_new: A faster, more casual game of All Pick. › A shorter version of All Pick, with increased gold & XP, weaker towers and streamlined couriers.
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_abyssal_blade_Description: <h1>Active: Overwhelm</h1> Stuns a target enemy unit for %stun_duration% seconds. <br><br>Pierces Spell Immunity.\n<h1>Passive: Bash</h1> Grants melee heroes a %bash_chance_melee%%% chance on hit to stun the target for %bash_duration% seconds and deal %bonus_chance_damage% bonus damage. Bash pierces evasion. Bash chance for ranged heroes is %bash_chance_ranged%%. › <h1>Active: Overwhelm</h1> Stuns a target enemy unit for %stun_duration% seconds. <br><br>Pierces Spell Immunity.\n<h1>Passive: Bash</h1> Grants melee heroes a %bash_chance_melee%%% chance on hit to stun the target for %bash_duration% seconds and deal %bonus_chance_damage% bonus damage. Bash pierces evasion. Bash chance for ranged heroes is %bash_chance_ranged%%.\n<h1>Passive: Damage Block</h1> Grants a %block_chance%%% chance to block %block_damage_melee% damage from incoming attacks on melee heroes, and %block_damage_ranged% damage on ranged.
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_diffusal_blade_Description: <h1>Active: Purge</h1> Targets an enemy, slowing it for %purge_slow_duration% seconds.<br><br>Range: %cast_range_tooltip%\n<h1>Passive: Manabreak</h1>Each attack burns %feedback_mana_burn% mana from the target, and deals %damage_per_burn% physical damage per burned mana. <br><br>Burns %feedback_mana_burn_illusion_melee% mana per attack from melee illusions and %feedback_mana_burn_illusion_ranged% mana per attack from ranged illusions. › <h1>Active: Inhibit</h1> Targets an enemy, slowing it for %purge_slow_duration% seconds.<br><br>Range: %cast_range_tooltip%\n<h1>Passive: Manabreak</h1>Each attack burns %feedback_mana_burn% mana from the target, and deals %damage_per_burn% physical damage per burned mana. <br><br>Burns %feedback_mana_burn_illusion_melee% mana per attack from melee illusions and %feedback_mana_burn_illusion_ranged% mana per attack from ranged illusions.
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_monkey_king_bar_Note0: True Strike does not work when attacking enemy structures.
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_Description: <h1>Active: Demonic Summoning</h1>Summons a Warrior and an Archer to fight for you for %summon_duration% seconds.<br><br><h1>Warrior:</h1>Burns mana every hit, and deals magical damage to whoever kills it. Gains True Sight at level 3.<br>Health: %warrior_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %warrior_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Break Damage: %warrior_mana_break_tooltip%<br>Last Will Damage: %explosion%<br><br><h1>Archer:</h1>Has a passive movement and attack speed aura.<br>Health: %archer_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %archer_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Burn Damage: %archer_mana_burn%<br>Aura Move Speed: %archer_move_speed%<br>Aura Attack Speed: %archer_attack_speed%<br>Aura Radius: %archer_aura_radius_tooltip% › <h1>Active: Demonic Summoning</h1>Summons a Warrior and an Archer to fight for you for %summon_duration% seconds.<br><br><h1>Warrior:</h1>Burns mana every hit, and deals magical damage to whoever kills it. Gains True Sight at level 3.<br>Health: %warrior_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %warrior_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Break Damage: %warrior_mana_break_tooltip%<br>Last Will Damage: %explosion%<br><br><h1>Archer:</h1>Has a passive movement and attack speed aura. Gains Purge at Level 3.<br>Health: %archer_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %archer_damage_tooltip%<br>Aura Move Speed: %archer_move_speed%<br>Aura Attack Speed: %archer_attack_speed%<br>Aura Radius: %archer_aura_radius_tooltip%
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_2_Description: <h1>Active: Demonic Summoning</h1>Summons a Warrior and an Archer to fight for you for %summon_duration% seconds.<br><br><h1>Warrior:</h1>Burns mana every hit, and deals magical damage to whoever kills it. Gains True Sight at level 3.<br>Health: %warrior_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %warrior_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Break Damage: %warrior_mana_break_tooltip%<br>Last Will Damage: %explosion%<br><br><h1>Archer:</h1>Has an activated mana burn ability, and a passive movement and attack speed aura.<br>Health: %archer_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %archer_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Burn Damage: %archer_mana_burn%<br>Aura Move Speed: %archer_move_speed%<br>Aura Attack Speed: %archer_attack_speed%<br>Aura Radius: %archer_aura_radius_tooltip% › <h1>Active: Demonic Summoning</h1>Summons a Warrior and an Archer to fight for you for %summon_duration% seconds.<br><br><h1>Warrior:</h1>Burns mana every hit, and deals magical damage to whoever kills it. Gains True Sight at level 3.<br>Health: %warrior_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %warrior_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Break Damage: %warrior_mana_break_tooltip%<br>Last Will Damage: %explosion%<br><br><h1>Archer:</h1>Has a passive movement and attack speed aura. Gains Purge at Level 3.<br>Health: %archer_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %archer_damage_tooltip%<br>Aura Move Speed: %archer_move_speed%<br>Aura Attack Speed: %archer_attack_speed%<br>Aura Radius: %archer_aura_radius_tooltip%
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_3_Description: <h1>Active: Demonic Summoning</h1>Summons a Warrior and an Archer to fight for you for %summon_duration% seconds.<br><br><h1>Warrior:</h1>Burns mana every hit, and deals magical damage to whoever kills it. Gains True Sight at level 3.<br>Health: %warrior_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %warrior_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Break Damage: %warrior_mana_break_tooltip%<br>Last Will Damage: %explosion%<br><br><h1>Archer:</h1>Has an activated mana burn ability, and a passive movement and attack speed aura.<br>Health: %archer_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %archer_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Burn Damage: %archer_mana_burn%<br>Aura Move Speed: %archer_move_speed%<br>Aura Attack Speed: %archer_attack_speed%<br>Aura Radius: %archer_aura_radius_tooltip% › <h1>Active: Demonic Summoning</h1>Summons a Warrior and an Archer to fight for you for %summon_duration% seconds.<br><br><h1>Warrior:</h1>Burns mana every hit, and deals magical damage to whoever kills it. Gains True Sight at level 3.<br>Health: %warrior_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %warrior_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Break Damage: %warrior_mana_break_tooltip%<br>Last Will Damage: %explosion%<br><br><h1>Archer:</h1>Has a passive movement and attack speed aura. Gains Purge at Level 3.<br>Health: %archer_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %archer_damage_tooltip%<br>Aura Move Speed: %archer_move_speed%<br>Aura Attack Speed: %archer_attack_speed%<br>Aura Radius: %archer_aura_radius_tooltip%
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_basilius_Note0: Does not stack with armor auras from Ring of Basilius, Ring of Aquila, or Vladmir's Offering. › Does not stack with armor auras from Ring of Basilius or Ring of Aquila.
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_Note0: Does not stack with armor auras from Ring of Basilius, Ring of Aquila, or Vladmir's Offering. › Multiple instances of Vladmir's Aura do not stack.
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_vladmir_Note1: Multiple instances of Vladmir's Aura do not stack.
DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_ring_of_aquila_Note0: Does not stack with armor auras from Ring of Basilius, Ring of Aquila, or Vladmir's Offering. › Does not stack with armor auras from Ring of Basilius or Ring of Aquila.
Extra notes