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Dota 2 update for 2 November 2017

Share · View all patches · Build 2250949 · Last edited 6 November 2019 – 21:27:14 UTC by Wendy

There are no official patch notes available for this build.

The following changelog has been automatically generated from GameTracking data.


  • Updated localization files for English

English Localization

  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_leap_Description: Mirana leaps forward into battle, empowering allied units with a ferocious roar that grants bonus attack and movement speed. Speed bonus lasts %leap_bonus_duration% seconds.Mirana leaps forward into battle, empowering herself with a ferocious roar that grants bonus attack and movement speed. Speed bonus lasts %leap_bonus_duration% seconds.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_mirana_leap_Lore: Both friend and foe alike recognize Mirana's iconic white beast in the heat of battle.None can fail to recognize Mirana's iconic white beast in the heat of battle.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_wild_axes_Description: Beastmaster sends his axes flying and calls them home again, slicing through enemy units and trees along their path. Each axe can hit an enemy once.Beastmaster sends his axes flying and calls them home again, slicing through enemy units and trees along their path. Each axe can hit an enemy once, and amplifies subsequent damage from Beastmaster and his units.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_beastmaster_primal_roar_Description: Beastmaster lets loose a deafening roar that stuns, and shoves open a path to its target. All units in the path of the roar are damaged, while units shoved aside by the roar have their movement and attack speed slowed.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.Beastmaster lets loose a deafening roar that stuns, and shoves open a path to its target. All units in the path of the roar are damaged, while units shoved aside by the roar have their movement and attack speed slowed. Additionally, Beastmaster and his units gain 30% movement speed for 3 seconds.\n\nUpgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_rubick_null_field_Description: Rubick's mastery of the arcane nullifies nearby enemy senses, reducing their magic resistance.Rubick's mastery of the arcane creates an aura that nullifies nearby enemy senses or increases his own. Can be toggled offensively or defensively to reduce enemy magic resistance or increase allied magic resistance.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_item_butterfly_extra_Description: Trading evasion for %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% bonus movement speed.Affected by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MOVESPEED_BONUS_PERCENTAGE%%% bonus movement speed.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_silver_edge_Description: <h1>Active: Shadow Walk</h1>Makes you invisible for %windwalk_duration% seconds, or until you attack or cast a spell. While invisible, you move %windwalk_movement_speed%%% faster and can move through units. <br><br>Attacking to end the invisibility will deal %windwalk_bonus_damage% bonus damage to the target, and for %backstab_duration% seconds, disable their passive abilities, and reduce their damage output by %backstab_reduction%%%.<h1>Active: Shadow Walk</h1>Makes you invisible for %windwalk_duration% seconds, or until you attack or cast a spell. While invisible, you move %windwalk_movement_speed%%% faster and can move through units. <br><br>Attacking to end the invisibility will deal %windwalk_bonus_damage% bonus damage to the target, and for %backstab_duration% seconds, disable their passive abilities.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_ability_item_necronomicon_Description: <h1>Active: Demonic Summoning</h1>Summons a Warrior and an Archer to fight for you for %summon_duration% seconds.<br><br><h1>Warrior:</h1>Burns mana every hit, and deals magical damage to whoever kills it. Gains True Sight at level 3.<br>Health: %warrior_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %warrior_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Break Damage: %warrior_mana_break_tooltip%<br>Last Will Damage: %explosion%<br><br><h1>Archer:</h1>Has an activated mana burn ability, and a passive movement and attack speed aura.<br>Health: %archer_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %archer_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Burn Damage: %archer_mana_burn%<br>Aura Move Speed: %archer_move_speed%<br>Aura Attack Speed: %archer_attack_speed%<br>Aura Radius: %archer_aura_radius_tooltip%<h1>Active: Demonic Summoning</h1>Summons a Warrior and an Archer to fight for you for %summon_duration% seconds.<br><br><h1>Warrior:</h1>Burns mana every hit, and deals magical damage to whoever kills it. Gains True Sight at level 3.<br>Health: %warrior_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %warrior_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Break Damage: %warrior_mana_break_tooltip%<br>Last Will Damage: %explosion%<br><br><h1>Archer:</h1>Has a passive movement and attack speed aura.<br>Health: %archer_health_tooltip%<br>Damage: %archer_damage_tooltip%<br>Mana Burn Damage: %archer_mana_burn%<br>Aura Move Speed: %archer_move_speed%<br>Aura Attack Speed: %archer_attack_speed%<br>Aura Radius: %archer_aura_radius_tooltip%
  • DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_beastmaster_axe_stack_counter: Wild Axe Stacks
  • DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_beastmaster_axe_stack_counter_description: Taking amplified damage from Beastmaster and his units.
  • DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rubick_null_field_effect_ally: Null Field
  • DOTA_Tooltip_modifier_rubick_null_field_effect_ally_Description: Magic Damage Resistance increased by %dMODIFIER_PROPERTY_MAGICAL_RESISTANCE_BONUS%%%.


  • Tree Grab: Changed ability cast point from 0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0 to 0.2
Dota 2 Content Depot 373301
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Windows Dota 2 Win32 Depot 373302
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Windows 64-bit Dota 2 Win64 Depot 373303
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macOS Dota 2 Mac Depot 373304
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Linux Dota 2 Linux Depot 373306
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Simplified Chinese Dota 2 Simplified Chinese Depot 373309
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Windows 64-bitDLC 313250 Dota 2 Workshop tools Depot 381450
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Dota 2 Content 2 Depot 381451
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Dota 2 Content 3 Depot 381452
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Dota 2 Content 5 Depot 381454
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Dota 2 Content 6 Depot 381455
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Windows 64-bitDLC 476580 Dota 2 Vulkan Win64 Depot 401536
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Unused Dota 2 Vulkan Linux64 Depot 401537
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