Hi everyone!
Another week, another update. Here is the list of everything that I have for you in this version.
• Increased variation in failed request responses
• Volume level is now stored between play sessions
• The pot shop reflects pots purchased right away
• Succulents are less likely to grow through the pot
• Reordering seeds from your card collection no longer breaks the book
• The number of visible 'read' emails has been increased
• You can now right click to go back when looking at a seed packet
• Succulents no longer change size on game load
• Trees won't change colour on game load (how did I not notice this before?)
• Pressing escape when paused doesn't reply the animation.
This is everything that I have on my list so far, but please do let me know if you have any more problems. When the game is solid enough to not be buggy, I will be able to spend more time working on new features.
As ever, thank you for your support! Every new Botanist counts, so if you know someone who might like the game, please let them know, and bring them into our community!
Changed files in this update