This update will be a SMASH HIT with everyone except poor Gobbie.
Here’s what you can do now:
Gobbie said something about your Mom? SMASH HIM IN THE FACE WITH A CHAIR.
Bad day, and need to blow off some steam? Go ahead...Wreck the place - NEARLY EVERYTHING BREAKS.
Gobbie complaining about you wrecking the place?? Pick up the remains of his busted furniture and SMASH HIM IN THE FACE WITH IT.
Seriously - this update is called the “Destruction Update” for a reason. We've been working on optimizing all of the physics interactions in the game, and have come up with a system that allows us to make almost every object in the game world breakable and interactable. If it’s light enough for you to pick it up, you can grab it and toss it. If it’s not, try moving it with your sword, another object, or an enemy you send sailing across the room.
Any object you can hold can be used as a weapon now. Just like with your sword, the game takes into account the speed and distance your arm travels. When you make contact with Gobbie’s face...the result is satisfying. Have fun!
Changelog - Sellsword VR - alpha .3.1:
- Animations: Gobbie and Skelly now “stagger” when hit instead of spamming an animation. This makes fighting much more realistic.
- Animations: Hits on enemies are now handled by ragdoll physics rather than scripted animation. To send Gobbie flying, try hitting him with the flat part of your broadsword!
- Breakable Objects: The new system handles fragmentation of ALL OBJECTS in the game world. Furniture, pots, barrels - everything has a break setting. Slamming Gobbie, another object, or your sword into objects will either send them flying across the room or break them (or both!)
- Combat: You can now use ANY OBJECT in the game world as a weapon. You can throw items to cause damage, or use them as blunt-force weapons.
- Combat: We added hit zones to the legs and arms of Gobbie and Skelly. * Combat feels much better, with fewer missed hits. If the body part is armored, it will take less damage (or none at all depending on the enemy).
- FX: When you hit an enemy’s armor, sparks are generated.
- Smugglers’ Cave: We’ve added a lot more detail to the stage. It’s now darker, and there are enemies hidden around the stage. Watch out!
Bug Fixes - alpha .3.1:
- Enemies would stand up, then die. This won’t happen anymore.
- Enemies would get stuck in “hurt” animation, and players would juggle the enemy without causing damage. Enemies now stagger and are pushed back, so this no longer happens.
- Combo moves didn’t work. We adjusted hit timings to be a bit tighter - They do now.
- Starting a mission by pulling the trigger to draw your weapon simultaneously caused you sword to disappear. There is now a small activation delay between game start and the weapon mount initializing to prevent this!
Known Issues - alpha .3.1:
- Damaging enemies with items is difficult from the front due to battle stance. We will eventually work stagger / reduced damage into this mechanic. Hitting them from behind, though...
- The new “stagger” animation has broken one of Skelly’s “Sit Up” animations. When knocked back, he will momentarily glitch while getting up.
- We're still fine-tuning the animations after adding the new Stagger and Hit animations. There may be some animation glitches until we tune these settings.
- Enemies can move over the player’s view, triggering the anti-cheat blackout we use to keep players from peeking through walls and doors.
- In rare cases, the AI can get stuck running backward, sometimes clipping through a wall. If this happens the enemy will die (and you’ll get credit for the kill).
What’s next?
We're still in Alpha - expect bugs!! You may see several small, un-numbered updates to the game that fix small issues - if it's something major, or a response to a bug report, we'll post about it. We’re constantly tweaking the enemies’ animation, so expect to see a few glitches from them every now and then. If you find a bug, be sure to report it on the forums - we’ll get a fix out as soon as we can.
In the next update, we’ll be adding more missions and the PAUSE and OPTIONS menus. This will bring a couple of additional movement methods into the game. More on those when they release. As always, we love hearing your ideas and opinions - talk to us on the forums!
Changed files in this update