Thank you for your support! Shigatari has been live for one week, and a lot of players have given me helpful feedback.
Patch notes:
-There is now a 50% chance per fight on the toll bridge and battle bridge that you can run away
-Gedan is now a bit slower to attack and parry the head and shoulders
-Overkill (kill with >=150 damage strike) text now appears as appropriate
-Time cost text for parrying and dodging will now be colored red on easy difficulty if you don't have enough time
-Losing the spar at the beach no longer makes you wander the earth in a quantum state of both alive and dead until observed
There is a graphics related bug that a few people have run in to. I haven't been able to nail it down yet. If you run in to this issue before I get it fixed, try switching your renderer. To do that, hit Shift-G, and pick a different option. Also consider updating your video card drivers. It sounds dumb to do that for a 2-D game, but I actually ran in to some opengl driver bugs during development that were resolved by updating my video card drivers.
Thanks for playing!
Changed files in this update