Version 0.1.7 is live!
This update fixes a lot of bugs and improves the UI flow. Nothing crazy was added. Supply Drops and other content will be added next patch as bugs and overall functionality is the number 1 priority at the current state of the game.
- Edited Main Menu (Much cleaner)
- Edited Server List Menu (Much, MUCH cleaner)
- Edited Options Menu (Not that much cleaner)
- Edited Ground Item Rendering
- Edited/Tuned Network Syncing (More can always be done)
- Edited Zombie Spawn Rates (Small increase)
- Fixed Chat Bug
- Fixed Server List Bugs
- Fixed Blue/White Screen Bugs
- Fixed Steam Login/Session Checks
- Fixed Crouching in Water
- Fixed Red dot on Some Guns
- Fixed Can Opener's Damage
- Fixed Rags being cleaned from grounds/roads
- Fixed Being able to see through some walls with sights
- Fixed Attempted for random world disappearing/crashing
- Fixed Rocks/Walls players get stuck in/on
- Fixed 'Trimmed some bushes that spawned in houses'
- Fixed Bodies staying active after killed (I think, works locally)
Changed files in this update