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Black Sand Drift update for 17 August 2017

Black Sand Drift v1.4

Share · View all patches · Build 2047073 · Last edited 15 March 2019 – 18:25:50 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  • Fixed the black-screen bug
  • Added visual feedback for Turbo Mode and Visions
  • Tweaked fonts for better clarity
  • Game runs even better after sizable tweaks to the engine

Developer Notes: After recently installing an update to Windows 10, Black Sand Drift started launching incorrectly; all that displayed was a black screen and the music! After some research, I found some folks with similar issues and some advice for fixing it. Well, now it's fixed!

In the process of patching things up, some additional changes were made to the engine that lets the game run even better and be more compatible with more machines. We also tweaked the fonts to display clearer and crisper, so that helps when following along with the story.

And lastly, we felt adding visual feedback when the player starts experimenting with the optional shader effects (and Turbo Mode) would help add a little more polish to the overall package. So when you press '6' for Turbo or '1' through '5' on the keyboard for the different shaders, you are shown the name of your choice on the screen. It's a subtle change, but everything counts!

Thank you for your time and support!!!


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