Patch Notes: Changes for v1.3.1 from v1.2
• Incorporated sliding locomotion into the Freedom Locomotion System. Available as fourth locomotion solution after Blink Step. Accessible via the menu or with grip + menu quick toggle.
• Works similarly to the other locomotion schemes. Speed can be adjusted via distance from body, distance from centre of thumbpad and angle of arm. HTC Vive users will have to hold down the touchpad to sprint.
• Direction setting improved – smoother motion, less prone to shaking and twitching from moment to moment hand movements. Will also allow wider range of motion when running.
• Moving platforms added to the Nexus. Allows player to test moving platforms, and to navigate between the ground, the tops of the climbing walls and the top of the Huge Robot without having to climb.
• Climbing system improved. More robustly able to grab at edges and corners.
• Grip triggers and buttons will now also act similarly to triggers – allowing players to grab and climb. To drop sticky objects (like gun and swords by their handles) players will still have to hold down the grip buttons then press trigger. Or simply grab the object with the other hand.
• Look left/right guide indicator placed at the bottom of menu when guides are on.
• Improved fade to black functionality for head and waist collision. Indicators fade in to let player know what’s happening. Fade to black effect more gradual and consistent now. Also works properly on Rift.
• Guns now have a recoil effect. Triple shot and auto-fire causes loss of accuracy after the first shot due to their rapid rate of fire.
• Touch to move (only applicable on the Vive) is now a setting that can be saved and turned on and off in the menu. It can still be accessed by double clicking the touchpad.
• Room scale boundary calibration improved to more accurately reflect the size of the room when player is standing in the corner.
• Player can now turn on a ‘hybrid CAOTS arm-swinger’ option when using CAOTS. This allows the player to start motion with just arm swinging. Works single and double handed. Players should increase the arm-contribution to speed if they prefer to move mainly while arm-swinging.
• Teleportation rotation functionality has been fixed. Teleportation accessible as ‘off-hand function’ when selecting Left or Right handed input options in the menu. Rotation now rotates correctly every time (there is a dead zone in the middle that will keep the current rotation if the player doesn’t want to engage that function).
• Experimental rectangular FOV option accessible in HUD settings > comfort FOV settings. This uses a rectangular FOV that gradually follow’s the player’s head movement as a way of reducing motion sickness. The idea is to provide the player with the impression of looking through a screen with when moving.
• Regular FOV restriction improved, with smoother transitions between various FOV changes. It also restricts when moving up and down slopes as well as when looking away from the direction that the user is moving in.
• Audio and visual feedback added to when player puts their hands over grabbable objects. A light blue outline now appears when the player can grab an object, as well as sounds to indicate that it can be grabbed and a sound to indicate when it is successfully grabbed.
• Menu UI is now drawn over game objects, allowing players to access and use the UI irrespective of location (i.e. they can stand in front of a wall and spawn the menu, which wasn’t possible before as it’d be drawn behind the wall).
• Bug fixes for head and waist collision. Issues were occurring when climbing and player was attempting to force their head through obstacles.
Changed files in this update