// Realms of Flow | 1.0.32 - 12.10.2024 //
- Fixed and issue with the 4K version of the "Dissolve" experience creating an app freeze
- Fixed "Extra Depth" slider and thumbstick function not working correctly with a certain combination of settings
- Added functionality to reset the horizon (re-align with the real-world), when holding the "Re-Center View" controller button for 1 sec.
- Added setting for a height-offset of the glowing "Element of Play"-paths to better adjust them your sitting posture
- Added option for sound-activated waterpipe smoke exhalation. You can find it on the Breath Guide sub-menu, when the waterpipe and its breath mode are active. Make an audible exhalation sound to blow out smoke. This also allows you to "keep the smoke in your mouth" as long as you like before exhaling.
- Fixed an issue with the animation of the waterpipe's glowing coal and improved the quality of the coal's appearance
- Fixed an issue with the "Hookah Wisdom" volume slider sometimes not working as intended
- Values for the sound volumes of "Pan Drum" and "Hookah Wisdom" are now also saved in the save slots
- Improved orientation of UI elements with the "Optimized for Reclining" and "Scene Follows View" options enabled
- Regular thumbstick actions are now blocked, while adjsting the menu distance with the thumbstick to avoid unwanted changes
- Added ability to adjust the settings menu's orientation with the controller rotation while repositioning it
- Fixed unwanted strong wobble of the left pan drum stick in some cases
Changed files in this update