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Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth update for 26 January 2017

Patch 1.3.1

Share · View all patches · Build 1587121 · Last edited 15 March 2019 – 18:51:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Our January patch brings fixes for some of the biggest issues players have been experiencing, most notably the “slow move speed after being knocked back” issue and the “being pushed through walls by enemies” issue, as well as some further fixes against save file corruption.


  • Escape characters parsed correctly again in lore logs.
  • Mote counter now displays value immediately after changing language.


  • Player can no longer have their movement speed temporarily capped after being knocked back by an enemy attack.
  • Levels will no longer fail to load if corrupt save data is present.
  • Potshots in the Howling Chasm can no longer fail to acquire the player as a target.
  • Fixed one of the Two-handed Hammer Meretian attacks not playing its animation correctly.
  • Enemies will no longer push into the player at close distances, making it less likely that the player will be pushed through walls.
  • Button sprites in tutorial dialogues are back to changing to represent the currently active input method (just like the other button sprites do)


  • Enemies are now more likely to walk backwards away from their target when they’re closer than they’d like to be, making it less likely that the player will be pushed through walls.

P.S. have you checked out our brand new game Puzzle Puppers? Just a few days of 20% off release discount left!

Windows Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth Windows Depot 338311
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macOS Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth Mac Depot 338312
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Linux Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth Linux Depot 338313
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