653: Release Version 1.0.10
July 27, 2024 4:55 PM EST
• Higher loot tier odds have been increased when fighting higher level mobs. This means that it will be more common to find higher tier loot in nightmare and hell missions. Careful adjustments were made in this area to avoid the complete trivialization of loot acquisition which is the heart of the game. We will consider player feedback throughout this process until it feels closer to where it should be.
• There is now a new global trade channel specifically for trade discussion. You can access it using the /trade or /2 command. You can chat and link items to it.
• You may now use the aliases /1 /2 /3 and /4 to access town chat, trade, party, and guild chat respectively.
• The target party color option now also applies to targeted party members. A similar outline offset animation is also used.
• At the mission counter, you now only see games for the highest level difficulty you have unlocked. For example if you have cleared nightmare, then you will only see hell games, but you can still create a nightmare game.
• Full parties are no longer displayed at the mission counter.
• The client no longer forces your chat channel to party when embarking.
• Slightly adjusted font sizes at 3840x2160 for improved text display.
• When you initially load town, the channel name is set correctly. Previously it would always say town regardless of what channel you were actually in.
• Modified the map title by removing the word objective. In some languages the phrase was simply too long for the space provided.
• A new target color is now available... orange!
• Some additional phrases have been translated such as party, guild, and a few minor others.
• Fixed the patch notes to say release version instead of early access.
Nevergrind Online update for 27 July 2024
New trade channel, loot drop adjustments, and more!
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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Game can be donated with a key, by sending a gift, or using curator system.
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