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MAJOR Fishing Planet update for 25 July 2024

Release Note, Patch 5.0.5

Share · View all patches · Build 15150225 · Last edited 25 July 2024 – 12:26:02 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Dear players,

We have prepared a huge bug fix patch for you today.
We’ve taken your feedback into account regarding XP and credits for fish in Kaiji No Ri and have made some adjustments. The prices for fish have increased, and you'll now earn more XP when trolling with saltwater gear. XP in Fishing Together sessions has also been boosted - the more players on the boat, the more XP each of you will receive. Additionally, don’t forget that you get an XP bonus when fishing with your club mates, so fishing with them on the same boat is always a win-win.

We’ve also modified the fish fights, making it easier to reel in big catches faster, and as a result allowing you to gain more XP in less time.

After receiving feedback about the Fishing Together Mastering Missions being too difficult, we've made some adjustments to make them more achievable. The amounts of fish needed to catch in all three missions have been reduced. The name of the mission "Fishing Together Hunt: Plugs" was changed to "Fishing Together Hunt: Trolling", and plugs are no longer required lures for completing the mission, now you can use any trolling lures of your choice.

Here’s a detailed list of what’s been fixed and improved:

  1. Fixed the character appearing in the water after reconnecting the Fishing Together session host in the game. Yes, the drowning guy bug that many of you liked 🙂
    2.Fixed the issue of disappearing reel sounds in Japan.
  2. Addressed the issue of birds' sounds playing incorrectly.
  3. Corrected the issue of no drag sound when the rod is on the stand.
  4. Adjusted the sound effects for whales and dolphins in Japan.
  5. Fixed the sounds for the character’s footsteps in Japan.
  6. Fixed a bug in the tutorial mission when interacting with the worm pile.
  7. Resolved an issue where a player would be teleported to the boat dock after disembarking from a boat in Mongolia.
  8. Fixed FPS drops in Mongolia when looking at the Nomadic camp from various locations.
  9. Fixed kayak exploit when reeling in big fish.
  10. Corrected the overly bright appearance of the White Sturgeon fish.
  11. Fixed a bug of a character sliding over the ground in a boat.
  12. In rod selection mode, the bait icon was incorrectly displayed with the rod stand icon and labeled as EMPTY HANDS.
  13. Fixed the issue where the twitching indicator was lagging.
  14. Fixed the credits for caught fish not displayed in the "Time is up" window when the competition ended while the player was offline.
  15. Fixed a freeze that occurred during the purchase of a license if the waterway was unlocked early.
  16. Corrected the slingshot shooting animation in third-person view.
  17. Fixed water waves appearing in the middle of a sand island in Japan.
  18. Fixed the issue where the button to collapse/expand the tournament/competition participants table was missing.
  19. Resolved the pop-up "Selected room has not been found..." appearing every time when entering the waterway after a competition ended.
  20. Fixed the issue where the windscreen of the rental yacht was half-displayed upon spawning.
  21. Fixed the right part of the rental yacht’s windscreen incorrectly lit blue.
  22. Corrected continuous splashing sounds nearby even at a significant distance from the fish jumping out of the water.
  23. Fixed an issue where the fish would spin around when hooked on a gaff.
  24. Added information about broken items in the "Stay ended" window.
  25. Fixed fish appearing outside the radar range on the Fish Finder 360.
  26. Addressed the issue of the boat map failing to zoom for some time after teleporting using a navigation buoy.
  27. Corrected the yacht tipping over after returning to the start position.
  28. Fixed desynchronization of weather between host and guest after time rewinding.
  29. Addressed the issue where the character's hand was seen through the sleeve while reeling with big reels.
  30. Made optimizations of the ocean water for better performance on different devices.
  31. Added an icon for different rod stands that could hold a different number of rods. Now the icon indicates the correct number of rods on the rod stand..
  32. Changed the braid color to a lighter shade, so it is more visible on the ocean water.
  33. Fixed ocean waves passing through the yacht sides.
  34. Resolved character freezing from a 3rd person view on the fishing pin on the boat during the Fishing Together session.
  35. Corrected the issue where the swivel was hanging in the air in the bottom setup during photomode.
  36. Fixed incorrect display of the character’s hand holding the gaff from a 3rd person view.
  37. Addressed desynchronization of floating objects on the water for all the Fishing Together session participants.
  38. Fixed global ratings displaying outside the main window at 3840 x 1620 resolution.
  39. Fixed hands shaking animation when retrieving a rod from the DuoHolder.
  40. Fixed the gaff displaying incorrectly from the side of the fish in 3rd person view.
  41. Addressed the issue where players could not search for clubs with two hieroglyphs, requiring three hieroglyphs.
  42. Fixed club room chat displaying activities of friends who are not in the club.
  43. Fixed the issue when in Fishing Together sessions the active captain sees water splashes from the yacht engine.
  44. Fixed marker buoys not bobbing with the waves.
  45. Fixed local map not opening with Esc key after teleporting via navigation buoy when the player is retrieving tackle from the water.
  46. Added new word parts to Nickname Generation variants.
  47. Fixed the issue of the character rising above when moving on the boat during a Fishing Together session.
  48. Addressed tackle snagging after moving via navigation buoy while casting.
  49. Fixed the issue where the screen remains dark after removing glasses in Japan.
  50. Fixed a freeze in the Fish Verification window after moving via buoy while holding a fish without a license.
  51. Resolved issue where the keepnet would not equip when double-clicked if another keepnet was already equipped.
  52. Fixed issue where moving on the boat with the R key did not work after a Fishing Together session ended due to timeout in the fishing day extension window.
  53. Corrected rod movement animation after catching fish during the tutorial.
  54. Fixed score not being credited in the qualifier after a disconnect.
  55. Fixed private chat messages not being received when sent to an offline player if the sender closed the game.
  56. Corrected the incorrect display of total weight of caught fish in the "Timed Fishing Derby" mission.
  57. Fixed exit button not displaying on the Fishing Together menu window, when invitation is sent from a different waterway
  58. Player returns to the starting position from the boat after changing the Room on a waterway
  59. Fixed an issue in Kaiji No Ri when cats on the pier were floating in the air
  60. Fixed the ocean boats capacity HUD, so it shows correct number of players on the yacht and free spots
  61. The scroll bar disappears on the license purchase tab.
  62. Fixed a bug that allowed reeling in big fish on the ocean much faster
  63. Fixed a bug that allowed creating competitions in Japan with boats that were not allowed on the location
  64. Resolved a bug with music on the start screen and the game music playing simultaneously
  65. Fixed the weather of the host and the guest not synchronized if the guest's gear was cast in the water when rewinding time by two days
  66. Fixed a bug when a guest is shown the boat rental window after rewinding time for a day in the Fishing Together session
  67. Fixed the transparent time forwarding window bug while a player is trying to forward time on the ocean boats
  68. Fixed the Tablet maps displaying land, or some parts of it, in black color for all bodies of water
  69. Fixed a freezing issue when opening the Tablet map when moving from the back of the ocean yacht to the captain’s bridge
  70. Fixed some players rank displaying incorrectly after the last release
  71. Resolved the issue in the "Timed Fishing Derby" mission where the duration of the license reward was not displayed in any of the windows
  72. Fixed notifications about created sponsored competitions not being received via mail
  73. Fixed a bug when Pond stay prolonged window was freezing and credits were withdrawn from the player’s balance multiple times
  74. Fixed Tablet map zoom being too sensitive in Japan.
  75. Fixed a bug of the Tablet button activating by putting on/taking off the glasses when the gear is cast in the water.
  76. Fixed the fish spinning in different directions on the gaff.
  77. Fixed the issue of the lure and leader not appearing in setups when adding a leader in the combination lure+tail.
  78. Spinnerbaits/Buzzbaits lures disappearing from the setup when adding a leader in combinations lure+soft bait bug fixed.
  79. Fixed the sound of the yacht's engine on the Kaiji No Ri map after the end of the competitions + sound of the engine shutdown when entering the competitions from the boat while fishing.
  80. Adjusted the excessively loud environmental sounds in the Congo River.
  81. Fixed the rod retrieval animation looping at the start of a competition on a bass boat.
  82. Fixed a bug when the Scutum boat was tipping over after changing a room from the moving boat position.
  83. Fixed the rain sound disappearing on Emerald Lake after changing the player’s pin
  84. Fixed a bug in Amazon Maze where fish would escape under the fallen tree and move out of the map, making them impossible to reel in.
  85. Fixed Trophy/Unique Kamba Catfish being displayed incorrectly in the photo mod
  86. Fixed a bug of Impetuous Kayak displaying as a rental kayak on the waterway
  87. Fixed the chat window being blurred not enough, so as the messages weren’t readable
  88. Improved casting reel line locator animation
  89. Resolved an issue on the tablet when the text information was very hard to see.
  90. Fixed the issue when the start screen was displayed without water
  91. Fixed the bug when Fish Storage was still being used instead of using a Fishkeeper after the saltwater yacht was unequipped.
  92. Adjusted the brightness of the Tablet Map as it was too bright
  93. If you've read this far, let us know in the comments! We love knowing that our detailed (and sometimes long-winded) patch notes are read at least by someone till the end.
  94. Other minor bug fixes, adjustments and improvements.

We hope these fixes and improvements make your gameplay more enjoyable. We're continuing to work on other issues and will address them in upcoming patches. Thank you for your support and for sharing your feedback with us. Please, do not hesitate to contact if you experience any technical issues.

Known issue: We wanted to inform you that after the release, we discovered an issue with the leaderboards where the fish weight data has disappeared. Our developers are actively working on a fix, and it will be resolved shortly. Thank you for your understanding.

Tight lines everyone!

Changed depots in qa_branch branch

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Windows 64-bit Fishing Planet Content Depot 380601
Linux Fishing Planet Depot (Linux) Depot 380604
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