Hello everyone,
I've got a nice juicy update for you all today! Have a look at what's changed in version 1.2!
- The health system has been completely overhauled.
- You can now see your health.
- You can now use first aid kits to heal yourself.
- Added a faint light to some interactable items to make them more obvious.
- Added a new item; the gas mask!
- Added new interactable drawings around the map to give you more guidance on the location of items and also for more interest.(More to come in the future)
- Added the controls popups to the starting sequence of the main scene.
- Added inverted X and Y options in the menu.
- Added some missing controls to the controls menu.
- Added a disclaimer in the controls menu.
- Adjusted some of the controls.
- Alien eggs now produce a poisonous gas that will damage you (Use gas mask)
- Completely overhauled the first starting scene, to make it into a short animation instead of a playable area.
- Have made it so that if you do not pick up the map item in the starting sequence it will automatically be given to you.
- Changed the way the injury system works, so now you will only be injured when your health is low enough.
- Changed the day night cycle times, so now the cycle is shorter in general but also now the night time is longer than the day.
- Fixed an issue that caused the player to stay injured if you opened the pause menu while injured.
- Fixed an issue causing one of the alien spawns to not behave correctly when triggered.
- Fixed various animations not playing correctly.
- Fixed other various bugs.
Please let me know what you think of this update and any suggestions you have.
Thank you,
Changed files in this update