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Star Explorers update for 19 July 2024

Testing Branch Updated to 0.1.9

Share · View all patches · Build 15091927 · Last edited 19 July 2024 – 18:09:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Your inventory panel will now show all the accessories you have acquired in the game. These are not new items, but things that already existed in the game.

The Star Chart Upgrade, the Backpack and Storage Expansions, and several other items, when used, would take an effect on your game, but in some cases there was no visual indication that you had used the item. Rather, the item would simply disappear and the effect would take place from that point forward.

Now you have a simple, visual representation of which effects you have acquired. In the image above, you can see icons for the Star Char Upgrade, as well as the Storage Wormhole.

Currently this feature simply shows the icons. It does not let you click on them or learn what they do, once they have been used. I am thinking of adding this functionality though. I am also considering the idea of removing, or replacing these accessories. Right now the game only has a total of 10 possible accessories, so there is no need for removing or replacing them. But if I come up with some interesting accessory ideas, we may see this idea implemented.

Price Change

Regarding the upcoming price change, I am trying to coordinate it between a few different online stores. It may take a couple more days to get done.

Changed depots in testing branch

View more data in app history for build 15091927
Windows Star Explorers Content Depot 502721
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