Like the title says, new content and features have been added to Pixelscape: Oceans.
Update Notes:
-More Color Options: All objects that previously had one color option now have an additional color option.
-Fish Bones: In the spirit of halloween, the color options for this object are different skeletons instead of different colors.
-Even More Colors: A number of objects that previously had no color options now have 2 each.
-Better Undo: The simple undo function has been expanded to now go back 10 steps instead of 5. After prolonged testing and no bug reports related to the function, it seemed safe to increase this functionality.
-New function/tool: "Focus Layer." This new button in the eraser toolbar allows users to hide all layers that they aren't currently using the eraser on, making it easier to see and erase the objects on the currently selected layer. This can be toggled on or off, and will automatically turn off when the eraser is deactivated.
If you use the Pixelscape Screensaver tool, you will need to update to the latest version (v.1.5) in order for it to properly display pixelscapes with the new color options.
Some objects will still be without color options, mostly due to some technical quirks relating to special handling of certain animations.
As always, if you notice any weird glitches as a result of this update, please post in the community forum and I will attempt to address any issues as soon as possible. If for any odd reason that an update ever causes your Pixelscapes to load improperly, make sure you do not save them in their broken state. This will allow a patch rollback to fix them.
Changed files in this update