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MAJOR 异世界幸存者 Other World Survivors update for 11 March 2024

[Major Updates & Future Updates]New map - Ancient Ruin(Tower Defence Mode) !

Share · View all patches · Build 13696064 · Last edited 11 March 2024 – 16:33:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, survivors! After four months of development, we have brought a brand-new map to you, which is the Ancient Ruin (Tower Defense Mode)! In this new map, survivors need to collect resources, construct the base, do technological research during the day, and resist fierce attacks by monsters at night, the monsters will target the Energy Core and tear down every wall stand in front of them. And survivors need to do everything they can to protect the Energy Core from being destroyed.
Survivors can build three kinds of defense towers with different functions and walls, and they can strengthen the properties and functions of the energy core, defense towers and walls through technological research. New "Ruins" can also be obtained through technological research to help defence the base.

1.How to play

2.Base construction

3.Technological Research

4.Various Ruins

5.Day Time

6.At Night
Feel free to construction your own base, unlock powerful technologies and ruins!

Recent Update Log:


-added Map 3, tower defense play, players need to allocate resources and build tower defense base in order to resist the unusually ferocious tide of strange things.
-added map preview and map story.
-added unlocking skill laser floating gun, unlocking condition is customs clearance map 3.
-added unlockable props Rocket Boxing, the unlocking condition is customs clearance map 3.


-According to the feedback of everyone's store page, the basic movement speed of all heroes has been improved.
-According to the feedback of your store page, the upgrade cost of all skills at low levels has been reduced.
-Optimized the UX experience of map 3 ancient relics (tower defense mode).
-Improved the combat performance of rapid fire towers and turrets.
-Optimized the AI logic of the "Transformation: Power Core" upgrade route of the Floating Obelisk.
-Added special effects for Shirley to emit exhaust.
-The trigger interval for True Red Magnet has been changed to 20 seconds.
-The price of Shadow Magnet has been changed to 150 gems.
-The magnet range bonus effect of "greedy Magnet" has been changed to 200%-> 100%, and the gem gain remains unchanged.


-Fixed bug found in internal tests in Map 3.
-Fixed some other known bug.

Future Plans:

-More combination of skills stitching.
-Supplement the relics of the mechanism and expand the genre and richness of the game.
-Continue to fill up the Ultimate Skills of heroes (Q).
-More new skills, new abilities, battlefield items, including some novelty that is greatly inspired by thinking.
-The mechanism of automatically increasing damage with skill level can be changed to different options to increase different damage values, thus balancing the value of different options.
-Add all new map with challenge factors. Players can choose their own challenge factors to achieve success before entering the map.
-Add game achievements for players to challenge and achieve.

We hope that players who have given us a [Not Recommended] review because of the bad experience, can try our game again, and maybe if it is possible, please help us to modify the review to a [Recommended], it's very important to us, thank you all!

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