The King announces new Patch Notes!
Small balance patch and some fixes. Feel free to send us heroes/items that you think deserves a buff/nerf in the comments!
-Steam cards and point shop is now available! Complete your collection and add bling to your profile!
-Ranger's wolf HP 10 -> 12
-Cyclops Str to HP scale 300% -> 150%
-Berserker rage duration 6s -> 4s
-Berserker rage cooldown 20s -> 10s
-Ronin lvl 3 party mSpeed 50% -> 30%
-Deep Cultist tentacle heal Int scale 15% -> 30%
-Champ stamina scale 100% -> 50%, starting Stamina unchanged // This one is a buff to Haymaker focused builds to make it easier to deplete Stamina for the final punch
-Prescription Goggles now deal damage BEFORE the hero's damage, which means Rogues can use them to break one Block/Barkskin/Dreek Block stack before his critical strike!
-New extra difficulty for enemies as a modifier option (not a new difficulty, you can activate this on any difficulty). It gives enemies extra Armor, Damage, and makes Sudden Death faster, if enabled
-Z2 boss (Owl) now can shoot Icicles while inside the Frozen Cocoon
-Shadow Huntress mSpeed buff on trap set 25% for 2s -> 10% for 1s
-Playstation Glyphs added for Playstation controller users
-Added a link to the Soundtrack in the main menu
Changed files in this update