Version 0.13 : The Thumbnail Update
New features :
- Added thumbnail images to levels, captured from the editor and shown in the LevelBrowser
- Added chat bubbles on top of players that are chatting (with a setting to disable them)
- Added the metal door, a simple door that requires power to be opened!
- Re-added the ability to favorite levels and browse your list of favorited levels!
- Added a new level song! (Thank you Rufse)
Improvements :
- Made the layout for levels in the LevelBrowser more minimal, with some information now in tooltips
- Made the filters in the LevelBrowser expand on the side instead of vertically, making the menu easier to use
- You can now click on the name or head of player in LevelBrowser to see the player's stats
- You can now click on the name of a player who sent a message in chat to see their stats
- Deleted the obsolete "player menu" only shown when clicking on a player, now replaced by player stats menu
- Added button in player stats menu to visit the player's hub
- Now when the player has a big fall, the camera moves lower to see what's below
- When the user is missing file permissions in AppData/MakerKing, a custom dialog will now show to help them
- Added a dialog to display any audio device problems to the user in the title screen
- Improved the swear filter by preventing it from being bypassed with s p a c e s
Bug fixes :
- Fixed scrolling in editor being broken after using the CosmeticDresser
- Fixed chat auto retracting when editing a level, making chatting while editing tedious
- Fixed chat tab positions sometimes getting corrupted from normal use
- Fixed editor grid not rendering fully on the right side of the screen (under the object picker)
- Fixed very RAM and GPU memory leak occurring when opening the editor many times
- Fixed resizing the window breaking tooltips
- Fixed crash from pressing escape right after opening a level
- Fixed metal gate making a sound right after loading the level
- Fixed wood doors not having handles in the dark
- Fixed Steam tickets expiring leading to inability to login or purchase coins without restarting the game
- Fixed horizontal pressure blocks not remaining pressed by a motionless object
- Fixed rubber blocks spamming bounces really fast when touching them from under while in the water
Changed files in this update