Hi everyone,
We are ready with a new update. The highlight of this update is addition of save slots. There is also some content. See below the details.
Version 0.96.05
- 10 save slots added.
- Wolves added to the wilderness encounters. They have bleed ability as well as grudge and pack fury traits.
- Beast hide added. A valuable loot for early game.
- Wolf blood added. A valuable ingredient needed to craft Wolf's Call potion.
- Wolf's Call talent stone added. A powerful talent stone to shapeshift into a wolf. It gives bonus melee attack, melee damage and bleed. May cause Scent of the Beast curse. It can be bought from the Adventurer's Guild every now and then.
- Wolf's Call potion added.
- Changed Lore Mastery skill perks. Perks now give additional damage to animals, undead, humans. Last perk gives attribute bonus.
- Changed Bravery skill perks. They now give +2, +4, +6, +8 luck bonus.
- Changed Alchemy skill's last perk as follows: You can poison the enemies even if they have poison immunity.
- Changed Wilderness Survival skill's last perk as follows: Resting at camp gives well-rested effect for 2 days.
- The altar at the last room of ancient tomb dungeon is now full of books.
- Hyenas are now coward.
- Grudge trait for the enemies scales better in high levels.
- Bats don't attack the hero while hero is a bat.
- Wolves don't attack the hero while hero is a wolf.
- Increased the poisonous talent stones' poison duration.
- Resting in towns now fully refills the health and stamina bars after giving well rested bonus.
- Game was not saving hero's bleeding condition.
- Corrected tool tips of some alchemy and cooking recipes.
- Some multi targeting talents stones were effective against the monsters although the monsters have immunity to that damage type. This was happenning if the monsters are positioned adjacent to the target monster.
Changed files in this update