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MAJOR Death and Taxes update for 9 March 2024

Death and Hatses

Share · View all patches · Build 13691069 · Last edited 9 March 2024 – 18:09:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Grims!

'tis the season again! Death and Taxes turned FOUR years old! Unfathomably cool to think about. As has been tradition, we try do take care of our first game, which means that occasionally we get the urge to just... put more content in the game.

And we did. Again. We added hats into the game. I repeat: you can now wear hats. Also, we're a historic -80% off for 2 weeks to celebrate the occasion (big thanks to Valve for giving a helping hand in organizing this!)

We had a whole bunch of ideas for accessorizing one's Grim Reaper, and it always felt that hats would be such a natural addition to everything. After having added them to the game, it really feels like they totally have belonged there from the start!

You have 15 hats to choose from, out of 3 types and 5 variations for each. So uhh, yes! Try them! It'll be neat, I promise.

Also, the Spanish translation is also coming along nicely. Hopefully we will have more news about this quite soon ^_^

In addition, we're also joining a bundle with the games Orwell and CorpoNation, the Difficult Decisions Bundle!

Thank you everyone for your continued support! It's always a delight to see new players discover our lil' game. And if there's something that goes awry with the update, please let me know so I can start fixing it immediately >_>

But in any case, as soon as you get the mirror, you should be able to equip hats!

Also, don't forget that we're working on 2 new games! CraftCraft and Broken Alliance! Do wishlist them if they pique your ineterest ^_^

Windows 64-bit Death and Taxes Windows Depot 1166291
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macOS 64-bit Death and Taxes Mac Depot 1166292
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Linux 64-bit Death and Taxes Linux Depot 1166293
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