Thanks for your feedback which help us a lot!
This update has fixed the issue if you exit from a battle, you might get stuck when start a new battle without killing the game.
We’ve also fixed the problem that Boss is not able to attack, but it still has some bug in animation, we’ll fix it ASAP!
Due to some problem in numerical design, the difficulty is too high for now.
So we first reduce the monsters’ HP Increase in each round by 10%.
We’ll continuously adjust the balance issue before EA ends.
Problems like BraveStatue and Seismic are too powerful make other Towers useless, Hp of Towers are the same and the numeric is obviously not correct and the Monsters’ Hp, Damage is not very good designed….
We’ll keep working on the problems above and all other problem to make sure the gaming experience will become better and better and finally approach the game we want!
Thanks for your support, wish you have great time with us!
Changed files in this update