Hello! Its been a while but I have a big update for you all! Thank you everyone who has given feedback thus far. This game is moving in a direction that I really like to see and it is all because of you!
Now time for the Update Content:
- Created the Captain Boss
- Created the Ghost Boss
- Created the Amalgamation Boss
- Created Teleporter Weapon
- Created Cannon Weapon
- Changed the "Unlock all Doors" Objective to "Kill the Level's Boss
- Added a Boss from the current list of bosses to each map (Including the Minotaur)
- Created a List of Cursors to choose from in the Gallery Menu
- Created custom cursor for out menus
- Added control drawings to Island Ruins
- Added Logic to show the correct controls on instructions for buying doors, benches, etc.
- Added Money Symbol for Places where money is involved.
- Added Round Label to Make the UI more clear
- Gave player hearts' beating animation
- Will now display if a weapon has reached its max level in the Weapon Gallery.
- Added Grenade Weapon.
- Our game now has an icon in the Window's taskbar instead of the Godot default icon.
- In game notifications for Damage Done, And objective complete last longer.
- Player's light is now a circle.
Next Plans
As of right now, All level's have bosses, but not all level's have secrets. For completeness sake, the next priority will be focusing on the secrets for each level. Then from there, I want to work on implementing Steam's Stats and Achievements to give more concrete objectives for the players.
Changed files in this update