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Tales And Tactics update for 9 March 2024

PVP Alpha Update: Hotfix 3

Share · View all patches · Build 13688829 · Last edited 9 March 2024 – 06:52:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Removed an AI logic optimization that seems to have been causing units to rarely get in situations where they stop acting completely. This will likely increase CPU usage some, but should also prevent these issues involving Units no longer acting.

Fixed another case where the first time user main menu panel could get stuck on, effectively creating a softlock.

Fixed a logic issue for the Focus Fire/Focused Down DM help that was causing them to trigger far more often than intended (and has been the case probably since they were added).

Fixed an issue where the first Challenge Climb level would not unlock after winning a run on recommended.

Fixed old PVP fights in our server pool that were from before the hex modifier fix, causing the hex modifier problem to resurface, pass the bad data into the person receiving the fight, who then sends the bad data back into the pool.

Fixed a rare issue where when returning units from combat, one of your units may never return if that unit was the one whose death caused the last combat to end.

Fixed a bug where previous saves could technically have the Added Legends unlock but without any of the Legend Packs, resulting in blank legend entries on new run launch.

Fixed an issue specific to the Engineer turret which caused it to think slower (and thus fire slower). Conveniently this also made us discover 2 more optimizations to the AI logic code.

Fixed Tinker sometimes not granting Engineer ammo.

Fixed in PVE, shops no longer rerolling in between shop rooms (accidental PVP code slipping into PVP). This also may have caused PVE shop rooms to sometimes have fewer items.

Fixed an issue where Blood wouldn't function properly.

Fixed an issue where placing units while they merged could cause Ghost Units to appear.

Fixed an issue where the River's Basics perk triggered on equipped units instead of unequipped units.

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