Version 7 includes yet another new level, new monsters or variations, new alternate firing modes and player can do a Power Meow. Player and level stats can be recorded to the Records menu, which also contains background stories for the weapons, monsters and levels.
Here's a long detailed list of the changes:
- Levels 01 - 04 and Secret 99:
Returned the Energy Cells for the Lightning Ripper - Levels 05 - 10, Secret 01 and DM 01 - 03:
There are some Fusion Missiles (Level 08 doesn't have any) - Level 06:
The fence at the top and center of the level can be climbed
and added some block to make it easier to get over the fence - Level 12:
New Level!
- Alien Watchdog:
New Enemy, starts appearing in Episode 2
Fires flame grenades and can make leaping attacks - Alien Acidbug:
New Enemy, starts appearing in Episode 2
Flying, charges toward and explodes - Alien Berserker:
Variation of the Alien Hunter, starts appearing Episode 2
Melee only, high damage resistance - Alien Rocketeer:
Variation of the Alien Hunter, starts appearing Episode 2
Can alternte between flight and walk, fires volleys of rockets - The new monsters may also appear in Survival mode
- Fixed monsters spawners not getting removed when dying in singleplayer Survival
- Monster eyes glow much less when they're dead (may still appear bright in bright light)
- Resurrected monsters are not counted to kills/total monsters in intermission level stats
Unless playing on Nightmare skill or Survival mode
- Decreased wall climb/jump height to 91 units
- Some changes in air control & friction
- Clear Catnomicons from HUD when respawning
- Player can now do a Power Meow, default key: R or gamepad GP_Y (the default bindings don't override anything already bound to these keys/buttons)
The power meow does some damage, throws the enemies around and gives them a little bit of stun effect
Cooldown 30s until can do another - If using autoaim, the autoaim aims about in the vertical center of the target
- Magnum Pistol:
Primary: Magnum Bullet
Alternate: Explosive Magnum Flare, use 2 ammo per shot
The weak unlimited bullets are only used if have 0 magnum bullets - Lightning Ripper:
Reverted back to using Energy Cells as ammo
Primary: Single Lightning Bolt, can chain into 1 extra target, use 2 ammo
Alternate: Ball Lightning, can slide along surface, shoots lightning bolts at nearby targets, use 10 ammo
The blade is automatically used in melee range if using the primary attack or if have no ammo - Machinegun:
Fixed muzzleflash being displayed if ran out of bullets and keep the fire button down
that was a side effect from trying to make the barrels spin a little longer after stopping firing
Also fixed the weapon not switching to another weapon if ran out of bullets and kept the fire button down
Alternate: Mini Rockets, fires a 2x mini rockets, one minirocket use 5 ammo - Railgun:
Fixed incorrect message about not having Magnum Bullets when have 0 Shells and try to change to Railgun
Dropped Railguns now give Shells instead of Magnum Bullets - Grenade Launcher:
Impact grenades are launched with a slightly higher velocity - Rocket Launcher -> Missile Launcher:
Can fire 3 kinds of Missiles
Primary: Guided Missiles
Alternate: Incendiary Missiles, can be found from rocket boxes, max capacity 12, use 2 ammo per shot
Alternate: Fusion Missiles, rare, max capacity 4, use 4 ammo per shot (the Fusion Missiles replace the Incendiary Missiles when found) - Flamethrower:
Does a bit more damage on the first few frames
Flame trail lose velocity a bit faster and use the explosion model - Plasmagun:
Smart Plasma does radius damage while flying
Smart Plasma does more damage
Smart Plasma lasts a little longer - Flame Grenades/Bombs:
They only spawn one dynamic light that lasts longer instead of multiple shorter lasting ones
They spawn some smoke particles when the flame has burned out - Fixed Magnum Bullet and Railgun trails to show correctly when fired in any direction
- Alternate attacks use 1.5x main ammo if using the gameplay setting where alternate fire ammos are not needed
Note: Fusion Missiles are always needed to fire them even with the gameplay modifier
- Backpacks are never left in the level when picked up if playing deathmatch or survival
- Power Ammo is now 40s
- Lightning Powerup gives 90 ammo for the Lightning Ripper (though it use 2 per shot)
- Magnum Powerup gives 45 ammo for the Magnum Pistol
- Catnomicons enhance the Power Meow:
Purr decreases the cooldown to 20s
Miau allows 2 Power Meows
Boop increases the damage
Hiss increases the radius
All catnomicons also instantly restore the Power Meow
- Added a Records menu to show all the recorded stats about completing levels, firing weapons and killing monsters
- Stats are saved every 10 seconds, on autosaves, when died or level exits
- Fixed chase_right not working with chase_active
- Removed Turret and Chaos skill settings
- Fixed incorrect total monster count on Extreme skill in Level 10
- Respawning hazards that target trigger_counter behave similar to respawning monsters
- Level exit makes the teleport sound
- Fixed "no intermission" flag on level exits (though this flag is not used in any Hell Denizen levels)
- Fixed exit door not opening in Level 10 if using nomonsters
- Survival intermission / level stats changes:
Timer stops on gameover
Secrets stat removed
Total and the T stats removed - Deathmatch intermission / level stats changes:
Similar to the Survival stats
Skill stat removed
Monsters stat shows one player's kills
These are still incomplete
- New default settings have less specular and specular setting is back to a slider with 0.0 - 0.5 range
- Gamepad menu renamed to Input Devices
Contains Invert Mouse and Mouse Sensitivity settings (they're also in the Player Setup as before)
Gamepad settings are changed a bit
Changed files in this update