Commanders, a patch for update 0.9.9 Evolution has landed!
With the introduction of the new Traits and Commander clone configuration feature, some bugs and issues popped up which we are fixing with this patch update. The UI also received some additional love and offers various improvements and quality-of-life enhancements, like the new objective indicator arrows at the feet of your Commander 😮
Thanks a lot to all the community members who reported issues and provided their feedback on the latest major Early Access update.
Here are the patch notes:
- Fixed an issue where enemies could stop spawning after playing multiple consecutive runs.
- Fixed a bug that prevented some stats from showing up when calling in new Mercs or triggering a level-up while capturing an objective.
- Fixed some room upgrades not showing the stat modifiers for the last level.
- Fixed some Trait effects showing up as "negative" when they were actually positive bonuses.
- Dash and active ability charges can no longer drop below 0, resulting in a broken state with infinite charges.
- Added new objective indicator arrows to the "foot ring" on your Commander.
- Enemy HP bars no longer get toggled twice, increasing overall game and spawning performance.
- You can now see how much XP you'll receive when picking that option from a Beacon objective in the case not having any more options to pick new Mercs or Gear.
- The stats list in Clone Bay and Pause Menu now correctly expands and automatically scrolls if a Trait combination adds lots of stat modifiers.
- When picking Traits for your Commander configuration, you will now see the Trait effects. This does not work for existing clones, yet, but you should be able to make more educated choices while configuring your clones.
- You can jump in and out of the skill trees for Mercs without having to scroll all the way down to reach other buttons.
- Some Mercs have more reasonable unlock conditions.
- Shrapnel projectiles now scale correctly with damage modifiers.
- Some Bunker room upgrades now stack correctly with other modifiers.
- Fixed an issue where the Resume button in the Pause Menu wasn't responding.
- Various Traits and stat modifiers now specifically say if they affect Mercs or Commander only.
- Boss HP bars no longer "bounce" when a boss receives damage.
- Updated various UI elements to use the high-res sprites for Mercs & Gear.
- UI tabs no longer quickly flash when switching between tabs.
- Researching new Traits now plays a little effect animation & sound to highlight the purchased trait.
- Many UI sprites are more beautiful.
- Slightly reduced the drop chance for DNA.
- New unlocks & mission rewards should now show up correctly and you should not see any "blank" elements any more.
- The Research Tree in the Genome Lab should no longer scroll when using the mouse wheel.
- "Exclude" buttons play their correct animations.
- Genome Lab now shows the amount of researched Traits correctly.
- Adjusted multiple Traits and their descriptions to be more precise, show all modifiers, and adjusted some effects for coherence.
- A highlight on your BD & DNA "wallets" shows what resources you are about to spend for purchases, re-rolls, or upgrades.
- The Storage Room no longer keeps items in the "sell" inventory when leaving the menu.
- Fixed an instance that prevented you from leaving the Credits Menu with gamepad or keyboard.
- Fixed various typos and spelling in all languages.
We are aware of some remaining issues which we are looking to fix soon:
- Some Trait stats may not show up correctly in all places. We are working on a better system to remove duplicates and show even more specific information.
- Mercs don't shoot at a Boss when it is out of their "targeting range". This will be fixed with a general improvement of the underlying system in a future update.
- After upgrading a bunker room, the navigation sometimes jumps back to the top.
- Mouse and gamepad can sometimes interfere, highlighting two UI items at the same time.
- The targeting reticule for some powerups like Banananades and Doomsday Ray does not show up, hindering aiming.
- Some Trait effects may still display in a weird manner, e.g. the "inverted knockback" on the "gravitational" Trait.
We are looking forward to hearing your feedback and appreciate any reports of issues, either in the Steam forums or on our Discord server:
Lock, load, and loot, Commanders!
Changed files in this update