Card Overhaul
Rewrote card system to be much simpler and more streamlines
Redid most of the metaprogression with the cards
Rarity - Cards drawn based on Rarity
Card UI Polish
Save System
Your game will now save on season end. Saves towers, stats, cards etc
Demo Balance
Did quite a bit of balancing for tower costs and wave strength to make the first season playable for users. As I move to an open demo on the main game page that will have less content then the playtest and instead focus on a core polished experience.
Magic Tier 4 will be unlocked in demo
Tier 4 Magic and Artillery Towers Polished
Fixes and Polish
Merchant polish
- fixed cards leaning thorough back
- fixed cards prices reappearing
- fixed shop reloading relics
- added voicelines
Troops now regen health and heal on season end
Leveling up towers in save data
Labels incorrectly displaying building info
Harpy Health bar fix
New Dust Clouds for enemies jumping
Changed files in this update