Game Update v11659
- Added Hot Water recipe to allow creating drinkable water that does not make you lose heat, but gain heat instead. It requires normal water that you can find anywhere from your canteen. You can drink that Hot Water directly from any campfire or pick it up and carry it around in a Cup (craftable item).
- In Story mode Hot Water recipe should be available after the first night.
- Added ability to save the game on Campfires, too.
- Insanity Gain Multiplier avaliable in custom difficulty settings for Endless mode.
- Glue Stick recipe added when the player picks up sap. Both in Story and Endless. Will not be available if you already looted sap in Story mode before. A retroactive addition will be added in a future hotfix).
- Sap drop rate from trees increased.
- Removed Fox Skin Drying recipe from Drying Racks until foxes are added.
- More Ivy added to Boar Biome (Endless).
- Increased the capacity of the Canteen from 200 to 300 (50% increase).
- Hot Springs temperature increased further.
- Insanity gains reduced by 20% in Survivalist and 60% in Explorer mode.
- Insanity heavily reduced on being "Cold" by 87.5% and reduced from being "Icy" by 50%. No change when Freezing.
- Weight on many items has been readjusted.
- Adjusted fuel values on many burnable items so they grant more fuel (most of the fuel values have been doubled and sometimes even tripled).
- Added XP gain on cutting trees to make endless start a bit smoother. A major XP rework is still incoming as various items are granting too much or too little XP when picked up or crafted).
- Finishing quests now awards XP.
- Objects can now be placed in the Sawmill.
- Spear throw damage increased by 50% in Survivalist difficulty. It should take about 2 hits in Explorer and 3 hits in Survivalist to kill a wolf by throwing. Even less when hitting the head as the damage here becomes even higher. Next week additional spear and combat changes will follow.
- Nails and nail boxes now have higher stack amounts. Remember, you can open nail boxes to extract nails.
- You can press "R" to see % of your stats and extra information on HUD.
- Fixed another issue related to Wolves duplicating in Story mode after Quick Resets.
- You should no longer get a random axe head in the inventory when axe gets destroyed (Legacy problem from original demo).
- Fixed destroying campfires, when removing walls or other building objects as they were wrongly detecting overlap.
- Removed ability to put Big Stone into quickslot since it does not have any function.
- Fixed an UI issue related to showing wrong health in Status tab when custom difficulty options were enabled.
- Minor fixes related to changing difficulties when using custom difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where you could pick up items from campfires without necessary containers (Cup, Bowl). We are looking for feedback on this system in general.
- Should no longer play "Ow, my ankle" text and voice lines when Wolf gets trapped or when getting overloaded with weight.
- Fixed an issue where crafting a Wooden Door would result in getting a Thatch Door instead.
- Fixed an issue where crafting a Wooden Window would just eat the resources, but not create anything.
- You can now rotate items when placing while using a gamepad (with shoulders).
- Fixed ability to move in underneath in UI widgets while tutorials were being shown with gamepad.
- Fixed an issue with "Investigate the Noise" quest in Sickness scenario where it would not complete properly.
- Fixed a crash related to Item Holding.
- Fixed a crash related to inventory items.
- Fixed a crash related to save/load of Storage items.
- Various localization additions and fixes.
- Fixed few item descriptions.
- Minor music and sound tweaks + reverb effect tweaks.
- Minor animation tweaks.
- Fixed an issue where wolves could get stuck in a specific wolf lair. (Can still occur potentially on some lairs if they aren't placed perfectly.)
- Tutorial text fixes in journal.
- Minor visual adjustment to Broken Clothes Indicator on HUD
Changed files in this update